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Get Account Detail V3

This page documents the obsolete version 3 of the Get Account Detail endpoint.

This version is to be ceased to be called by data recipients by Date TBC and can be decommissioned by data holders as of that date.

Get Account Detail

Code samples

GET{accountId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
x-v: string
x-min-v: string
x-fapi-interaction-id: string
x-fapi-auth-date: string
x-fapi-customer-ip-address: string
x-cds-client-headers: string

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

GET /banking/accounts/{accountId}

Obtain detailed information on a single account.

Obsolete versions: v1, v2

Endpoint Version

Version 3


Name In Type Required Description
accountId path ASCIIString mandatory A tokenised identifier for the account which is unique but not shareable
x-v header string mandatory Version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If the value of x-min-v is equal to or higher than the value of x-v then the x-min-v header should be treated as absent. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. See HTTP Headers
x-min-v header string optional Minimum version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer if provided. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable.
x-fapi-interaction-id header string optional An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
x-fapi-auth-date header string conditional The time when the customer last logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product as described in [FAPI-1.0-Baseline]. Required for all resource calls (customer present and unattended). Not required for unauthenticated calls.
x-fapi-customer-ip-address header string optional The customer's original IP address if the customer is currently logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product. The presence of this header indicates that the API is being called in a customer present context. Not to be included for unauthenticated calls.
x-cds-client-headers header Base64 conditional The customer's original standard http headers Base64 encoded, including the original User Agent header, if the customer is currently logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product. Mandatory for customer present calls. Not required for unattended or unauthenticated calls.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "accountId": "string",
    "creationDate": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "nickname": "string",
    "openStatus": "CLOSED",
    "isOwned": true,
    "accountOwnership": "UNKNOWN",
    "maskedNumber": "string",
    "productCategory": "BUSINESS_LOANS",
    "productName": "string",
    "bsb": "string",
    "accountNumber": "string",
    "bundleName": "string",
    "specificAccountUType": "creditCard",
    "termDeposit": [
        "lodgementDate": "string",
        "maturityDate": "string",
        "maturityAmount": "string",
        "maturityCurrency": "string",
        "maturityInstructions": "HOLD_ON_MATURITY"
    "creditCard": {
      "minPaymentAmount": "string",
      "paymentDueAmount": "string",
      "paymentCurrency": "string",
      "paymentDueDate": "string"
    "loan": {
      "originalStartDate": "string",
      "originalLoanAmount": "string",
      "originalLoanCurrency": "string",
      "loanEndDate": "string",
      "nextInstalmentDate": "string",
      "minInstalmentAmount": "string",
      "minInstalmentCurrency": "string",
      "maxRedraw": "string",
      "maxRedrawCurrency": "string",
      "minRedraw": "string",
      "minRedrawCurrency": "string",
      "offsetAccountEnabled": true,
      "offsetAccountIds": [
      "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
      "repaymentFrequency": "string"
    "depositRate": "string",
    "lendingRate": "string",
    "depositRates": [
        "depositRateType": "BONUS",
        "rate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "lendingRates": [
        "lendingRateType": "BUNDLE_DISCOUNT_FIXED",
        "rate": "string",
        "comparisonRate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "interestPaymentDue": "IN_ADVANCE",
        "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
        "loanPurpose": "INVESTMENT",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "features": [
        "featureType": "ADDITIONAL_CARDS",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "isActivated": true
    "fees": [
        "name": "string",
        "feeType": "DEPOSIT",
        "amount": "string",
        "balanceRate": "string",
        "transactionRate": "string",
        "accruedRate": "string",
        "accrualFrequency": "string",
        "currency": "string",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "discounts": [
            "description": "string",
            "discountType": "BALANCE",
            "amount": "string",
            "balanceRate": "string",
            "transactionRate": "string",
            "accruedRate": "string",
            "feeRate": "string",
            "additionalValue": "string",
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string",
            "eligibility": [
                "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
                "additionalValue": "string",
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "addresses": [
        "addressUType": "paf",
        "simple": {
          "mailingName": "string",
          "addressLine1": "string",
          "addressLine2": "string",
          "addressLine3": "string",
          "postcode": "string",
          "city": "string",
          "state": "string",
          "country": "AUS"
        "paf": {
          "dpid": "string",
          "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
          "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
          "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
          "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
          "flatUnitType": "string",
          "flatUnitNumber": "string",
          "floorLevelType": "string",
          "floorLevelNumber": "string",
          "lotNumber": "string",
          "buildingName1": "string",
          "buildingName2": "string",
          "streetName": "string",
          "streetType": "string",
          "streetSuffix": "string",
          "postalDeliveryType": "string",
          "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
          "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
          "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
          "localityName": "string",
          "postcode": "string",
          "state": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {}


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ResponseBankingAccountByIdV3
400 Bad Request The following error codes MUST be supported:
404 Not Found The following error codes MUST be supported:
406 Not Acceptable The following error codes MUST be supported:

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 x-v string The version of the API end point that the data holder has responded with.
200 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
400 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
404 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
406 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.



  "featureType": "ADDITIONAL_CARDS",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
featureType string mandatory The type of feature described
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the featureType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of the featureType.
additionalInfo string conditional Display text providing more information on the feature. Mandatory if the feature type is set to OTHER
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this feature

Enumerated Values

Property Value
featureType BILL_PAYMENT
featureType CARD_ACCESS
featureType FREE_TXNS
featureType GUARANTOR
featureType INSURANCE
featureType NPP_ENABLED
featureType NPP_PAYID
featureType OFFSET
featureType OTHER
featureType OVERDRAFT
featureType REDRAW


  "name": "string",
  "feeType": "DEPOSIT",
  "amount": "string",
  "balanceRate": "string",
  "transactionRate": "string",
  "accruedRate": "string",
  "accrualFrequency": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string",
  "discounts": [
      "description": "string",
      "discountType": "BALANCE",
      "amount": "string",
      "balanceRate": "string",
      "transactionRate": "string",
      "accruedRate": "string",
      "feeRate": "string",
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string",
      "eligibility": [
          "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
          "additionalValue": "string",
          "additionalInfo": "string",
          "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
name string mandatory Name of the fee
feeType string mandatory The type of fee
amount AmountString conditional The amount charged for the fee. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied
balanceRate RateString conditional A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of the balance. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied.
transactionRate RateString conditional A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of a transaction. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied
accruedRate RateString conditional A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of the calculated interest accrued on the account. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied
accrualFrequency ExternalRef optional The indicative frequency with which the fee is calculated on the account. Only applies if balanceRate or accruedRate is also present. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax)
currency CurrencyString optional The currency the fee will be charged in. Assumes AUD if absent
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the feeType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of feeType
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the fee
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this fee
discounts [BankingProductDiscount] optional An optional list of discounts to this fee that may be available

Enumerated Values

Property Value
feeType EVENT
feeType EXIT


  "description": "string",
  "discountType": "BALANCE",
  "amount": "string",
  "balanceRate": "string",
  "transactionRate": "string",
  "accruedRate": "string",
  "feeRate": "string",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string",
  "eligibility": [
      "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
description string mandatory Description of the discount
discountType string mandatory The type of discount. See the next section for an overview of valid values and their meaning
amount AmountString conditional Dollar value of the discount. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory.
balanceRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the balance. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee
transactionRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of a transaction. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory
accruedRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the calculated interest accrued on the account. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee
feeRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the fee to which this discount is attached. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the discountType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of discountType
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the discount
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this discount
eligibility [BankingProductDiscountEligibility] conditional Eligibility constraints that apply to this discount. Mandatory if discountType is ELIGIBILITY_ONLY.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
discountType BALANCE
discountType DEPOSITS
discountType FEE_CAP
discountType PAYMENTS


  "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
discountEligibilityType string mandatory The type of the specific eligibility constraint for a discount
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the discountEligibilityType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of discountEligibilityType
additionalInfo string conditional Display text providing more information on this eligibility constraint. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of discountEligibilityType
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this eligibility constraint

Enumerated Values

Property Value
discountEligibilityType BUSINESS
discountEligibilityType EMPLOYMENT_STATUS
discountEligibilityType INTRODUCTORY
discountEligibilityType MAX_AGE
discountEligibilityType MIN_AGE
discountEligibilityType MIN_INCOME
discountEligibilityType MIN_TURNOVER
discountEligibilityType NATURAL_PERSON
discountEligibilityType OTHER
discountEligibilityType PENSION_RECIPIENT
discountEligibilityType RESIDENCY_STATUS
discountEligibilityType STAFF
discountEligibilityType STUDENT


  "depositRateType": "BONUS",
  "rate": "string",
  "calculationFrequency": "string",
  "applicationFrequency": "string",
  "tiers": [
      "name": "string",
      "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
      "minimumValue": 0,
      "maximumValue": 0,
      "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
      "applicabilityConditions": {
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
depositRateType string mandatory The type of rate (base, bonus, etc). See the next section for an overview of valid values and their meaning
rate RateString mandatory The rate to be applied
calculationFrequency ExternalRef optional The period after which the rate is applied to the balance to calculate the amount due for the period. Calculation of the amount is often daily (as balances may change) but accumulated until the total amount is 'applied' to the account (see applicationFrequency). Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax)
applicationFrequency ExternalRef optional The period after which the calculated amount(s) (see calculationFrequency) are 'applied' (i.e. debited or credited) to the account. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax)
tiers [BankingProductRateTierV3] optional Rate tiers applicable for this rate
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the depositRateType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of depositRateType
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the rate
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this rate

Enumerated Values

Property Value
depositRateType BONUS
depositRateType BUNDLE_BONUS
depositRateType FIXED
depositRateType FLOATING
depositRateType INTRODUCTORY
depositRateType MARKET_LINKED
depositRateType VARIABLE


  "lendingRateType": "BUNDLE_DISCOUNT_FIXED",
  "rate": "string",
  "comparisonRate": "string",
  "calculationFrequency": "string",
  "applicationFrequency": "string",
  "interestPaymentDue": "IN_ADVANCE",
  "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
  "loanPurpose": "INVESTMENT",
  "tiers": [
      "name": "string",
      "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
      "minimumValue": 0,
      "maximumValue": 0,
      "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
      "applicabilityConditions": {
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
lendingRateType string mandatory The type of rate (fixed, variable, etc). See the next section for an overview of valid values and their meaning
rate RateString mandatory The rate to be applied
comparisonRate RateString optional A comparison rate equivalent for this rate
calculationFrequency ExternalRef optional The period after which the rate is applied to the balance to calculate the amount due for the period. Calculation of the amount is often daily (as balances may change) but accumulated until the total amount is 'applied' to the account (see applicationFrequency). Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax)
applicationFrequency ExternalRef optional The period after which the calculated amount(s) (see calculationFrequency) are 'applied' (i.e. debited or credited) to the account. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax)
interestPaymentDue string optional When loan payments are due to be paid within each period. The investment benefit of earlier payments affect the rate that can be offered
repaymentType string optional Options in place for repayments. If absent, the lending rate is applicable to all repayment types
loanPurpose string optional The reason for taking out the loan. If absent, the lending rate is applicable to all loan purposes
tiers [BankingProductRateTierV3] optional Rate tiers applicable for this rate
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the lendingRateType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of lendingRateType
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the rate.
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this rate

Enumerated Values

Property Value
lendingRateType CASH_ADVANCE
lendingRateType DISCOUNT
lendingRateType FIXED
lendingRateType FLOATING
lendingRateType INTRODUCTORY
lendingRateType MARKET_LINKED
lendingRateType PENALTY
lendingRateType PURCHASE
lendingRateType VARIABLE
interestPaymentDue IN_ADVANCE
interestPaymentDue IN_ARREARS
repaymentType INTEREST_ONLY
loanPurpose INVESTMENT


  "name": "string",
  "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
  "minimumValue": 0,
  "maximumValue": 0,
  "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
  "applicabilityConditions": {
    "additionalInfo": "string",
    "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"

Defines the criteria and conditions for which a rate applies


Name Type Required Description
name string mandatory A display name for the tier
unitOfMeasure string mandatory The unit of measure that applies to the tierValueMinimum and tierValueMaximum values e.g. a DOLLAR amount. PERCENT (in the case of loan-to-value ratio or LVR). Tier term period representing a discrete number of MONTH's or DAY's (in the case of term deposit tiers)
minimumValue Number mandatory The number of tierUnitOfMeasure units that form the lower bound of the tier. The tier should be inclusive of this value
maximumValue Number optional The number of tierUnitOfMeasure units that form the upper bound of the tier or band. For a tier with a discrete value (as opposed to a range of values e.g. 1 month) this must be the same as tierValueMinimum. Where this is the same as the tierValueMinimum value of the next-higher tier the referenced tier should be exclusive of this value. For example a term deposit of 2 months falls into the upper tier of the following tiers: (1 – 2 months, 2 – 3 months). If absent the tier's range has no upper bound.
rateApplicationMethod string optional The method used to calculate the amount to be applied using one or more tiers. A single rate may be applied to the entire balance or each applicable tier rate is applied to the portion of the balance that falls into that tier (referred to as 'bands' or 'steps')
applicabilityConditions BankingProductRateCondition optional Defines a condition for the applicability of a tiered rate
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the rate tier.
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this rate tier

Enumerated Values

Property Value
unitOfMeasure DAY
unitOfMeasure DOLLAR
unitOfMeasure MONTH
unitOfMeasure PERCENT
rateApplicationMethod PER_TIER
rateApplicationMethod WHOLE_BALANCE


  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"

Defines a condition for the applicability of a tiered rate


Name Type Required Description
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the condition
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this condition


  "accountId": "string",
  "creationDate": "string",
  "displayName": "string",
  "nickname": "string",
  "openStatus": "CLOSED",
  "isOwned": true,
  "accountOwnership": "UNKNOWN",
  "maskedNumber": "string",
  "productCategory": "BUSINESS_LOANS",
  "productName": "string"


Name Type Required Description
accountId ASCIIString mandatory A unique ID of the account adhering to the standards for ID permanence
creationDate DateString optional Date that the account was created (if known)
displayName string mandatory The display name of the account as defined by the bank. This should not incorporate account numbers or PANs. If it does the values should be masked according to the rules of the MaskedAccountString common type.
nickname string optional A customer supplied nick name for the account
openStatus string optional Open or closed status for the account. If not present then OPEN is assumed
isOwned Boolean optional Flag indicating that the customer associated with the authorisation is an owner of the account. Does not indicate sole ownership, however. If not present then 'true' is assumed
accountOwnership string mandatory Value indicating the number of customers that have ownership of the account, according to the data holder's definition of account ownership. Does not indicate that all account owners are eligible consumers
maskedNumber MaskedAccountString mandatory A masked version of the account. Whether BSB/Account Number, Credit Card PAN or another number
productCategory BankingProductCategory mandatory The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details
productName string mandatory The unique identifier of the account as defined by the data holder (akin to model number for the account)

Enumerated Values

Property Value
openStatus CLOSED
openStatus OPEN
accountOwnership UNKNOWN
accountOwnership ONE_PARTY
accountOwnership TWO_PARTY
accountOwnership MANY_PARTY
accountOwnership OTHER


  "data": {
    "accountId": "string",
    "creationDate": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "nickname": "string",
    "openStatus": "CLOSED",
    "isOwned": true,
    "accountOwnership": "UNKNOWN",
    "maskedNumber": "string",
    "productCategory": "BUSINESS_LOANS",
    "productName": "string",
    "bsb": "string",
    "accountNumber": "string",
    "bundleName": "string",
    "specificAccountUType": "creditCard",
    "termDeposit": [
        "lodgementDate": "string",
        "maturityDate": "string",
        "maturityAmount": "string",
        "maturityCurrency": "string",
        "maturityInstructions": "HOLD_ON_MATURITY"
    "creditCard": {
      "minPaymentAmount": "string",
      "paymentDueAmount": "string",
      "paymentCurrency": "string",
      "paymentDueDate": "string"
    "loan": {
      "originalStartDate": "string",
      "originalLoanAmount": "string",
      "originalLoanCurrency": "string",
      "loanEndDate": "string",
      "nextInstalmentDate": "string",
      "minInstalmentAmount": "string",
      "minInstalmentCurrency": "string",
      "maxRedraw": "string",
      "maxRedrawCurrency": "string",
      "minRedraw": "string",
      "minRedrawCurrency": "string",
      "offsetAccountEnabled": true,
      "offsetAccountIds": [
      "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
      "repaymentFrequency": "string"
    "depositRate": "string",
    "lendingRate": "string",
    "depositRates": [
        "depositRateType": "BONUS",
        "rate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "lendingRates": [
        "lendingRateType": "BUNDLE_DISCOUNT_FIXED",
        "rate": "string",
        "comparisonRate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "interestPaymentDue": "IN_ADVANCE",
        "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
        "loanPurpose": "INVESTMENT",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "features": [
        "featureType": "ADDITIONAL_CARDS",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "isActivated": true
    "fees": [
        "name": "string",
        "feeType": "DEPOSIT",
        "amount": "string",
        "balanceRate": "string",
        "transactionRate": "string",
        "accruedRate": "string",
        "accrualFrequency": "string",
        "currency": "string",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "discounts": [
            "description": "string",
            "discountType": "BALANCE",
            "amount": "string",
            "balanceRate": "string",
            "transactionRate": "string",
            "accruedRate": "string",
            "feeRate": "string",
            "additionalValue": "string",
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string",
            "eligibility": [
                "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
                "additionalValue": "string",
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "addresses": [
        "addressUType": "paf",
        "simple": {
          "mailingName": "string",
          "addressLine1": "string",
          "addressLine2": "string",
          "addressLine3": "string",
          "postcode": "string",
          "city": "string",
          "state": "string",
          "country": "AUS"
        "paf": {
          "dpid": "string",
          "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
          "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
          "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
          "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
          "flatUnitType": "string",
          "flatUnitNumber": "string",
          "floorLevelType": "string",
          "floorLevelNumber": "string",
          "lotNumber": "string",
          "buildingName1": "string",
          "buildingName2": "string",
          "streetName": "string",
          "streetType": "string",
          "streetSuffix": "string",
          "postalDeliveryType": "string",
          "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
          "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
          "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
          "localityName": "string",
          "postcode": "string",
          "state": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {}


Name Type Required Description
data BankingAccountDetailV3 mandatory none
links Links mandatory none
meta Meta optional none


  "accountId": "string",
  "creationDate": "string",
  "displayName": "string",
  "nickname": "string",
  "openStatus": "CLOSED",
  "isOwned": true,
  "accountOwnership": "UNKNOWN",
  "maskedNumber": "string",
  "productCategory": "BUSINESS_LOANS",
  "productName": "string",
  "bsb": "string",
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "bundleName": "string",
  "specificAccountUType": "creditCard",
  "termDeposit": [
      "lodgementDate": "string",
      "maturityDate": "string",
      "maturityAmount": "string",
      "maturityCurrency": "string",
      "maturityInstructions": "HOLD_ON_MATURITY"
  "creditCard": {
    "minPaymentAmount": "string",
    "paymentDueAmount": "string",
    "paymentCurrency": "string",
    "paymentDueDate": "string"
  "loan": {
    "originalStartDate": "string",
    "originalLoanAmount": "string",
    "originalLoanCurrency": "string",
    "loanEndDate": "string",
    "nextInstalmentDate": "string",
    "minInstalmentAmount": "string",
    "minInstalmentCurrency": "string",
    "maxRedraw": "string",
    "maxRedrawCurrency": "string",
    "minRedraw": "string",
    "minRedrawCurrency": "string",
    "offsetAccountEnabled": true,
    "offsetAccountIds": [
    "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
    "repaymentFrequency": "string"
  "depositRate": "string",
  "lendingRate": "string",
  "depositRates": [
      "depositRateType": "BONUS",
      "rate": "string",
      "calculationFrequency": "string",
      "applicationFrequency": "string",
      "tiers": [
          "name": "string",
          "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
          "minimumValue": 0,
          "maximumValue": 0,
          "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
          "applicabilityConditions": {
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalInfo": "string",
          "additionalInfoUri": "string"
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "lendingRates": [
      "lendingRateType": "BUNDLE_DISCOUNT_FIXED",
      "rate": "string",
      "comparisonRate": "string",
      "calculationFrequency": "string",
      "applicationFrequency": "string",
      "interestPaymentDue": "IN_ADVANCE",
      "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
      "loanPurpose": "INVESTMENT",
      "tiers": [
          "name": "string",
          "unitOfMeasure": "DAY",
          "minimumValue": 0,
          "maximumValue": 0,
          "rateApplicationMethod": "PER_TIER",
          "applicabilityConditions": {
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalInfo": "string",
          "additionalInfoUri": "string"
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "features": [
      "featureType": "ADDITIONAL_CARDS",
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string",
      "isActivated": true
  "fees": [
      "name": "string",
      "feeType": "DEPOSIT",
      "amount": "string",
      "balanceRate": "string",
      "transactionRate": "string",
      "accruedRate": "string",
      "accrualFrequency": "string",
      "currency": "string",
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string",
      "discounts": [
          "description": "string",
          "discountType": "BALANCE",
          "amount": "string",
          "balanceRate": "string",
          "transactionRate": "string",
          "accruedRate": "string",
          "feeRate": "string",
          "additionalValue": "string",
          "additionalInfo": "string",
          "additionalInfoUri": "string",
          "eligibility": [
              "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
              "additionalValue": "string",
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "addresses": [
      "addressUType": "paf",
      "simple": {
        "mailingName": "string",
        "addressLine1": "string",
        "addressLine2": "string",
        "addressLine3": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "country": "AUS"
      "paf": {
        "dpid": "string",
        "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
        "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
        "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
        "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
        "flatUnitType": "string",
        "flatUnitNumber": "string",
        "floorLevelType": "string",
        "floorLevelNumber": "string",
        "lotNumber": "string",
        "buildingName1": "string",
        "buildingName2": "string",
        "streetName": "string",
        "streetType": "string",
        "streetSuffix": "string",
        "postalDeliveryType": "string",
        "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
        "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
        "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
        "localityName": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "state": "string"



Name Type Required Description
anonymous BankingAccountV2 mandatory none


Name Type Required Description
anonymous object mandatory none
» bsb string optional The unmasked BSB for the account. Is expected to be formatted as digits only with leading zeros included and no punctuation or spaces
» accountNumber string optional The unmasked account number for the account. Should not be supplied if the account number is a PAN requiring PCI compliance. Is expected to be formatted as digits only with leading zeros included and no punctuation or spaces
» bundleName string optional Optional field to indicate if this account is part of a bundle that is providing additional benefit to the customer
» specificAccountUType string optional The type of structure to present account specific fields.
» termDeposit [BankingTermDepositAccount] conditional none
» creditCard BankingCreditCardAccount conditional none
» loan BankingLoanAccountV2 conditional none
» depositRate RateString optional current rate to calculate interest earned being applied to deposit balances as it stands at the time of the API call
» lendingRate RateString optional The current rate to calculate interest payable being applied to lending balances as it stands at the time of the API call
» depositRates [BankingProductDepositRate] optional Fully described deposit rates for this account based on the equivalent structure in Product Reference
» lendingRates [BankingProductLendingRateV2] optional Fully described lending rates for this account based on the equivalent structure in Product Reference
» features [allOf] optional Array of features of the account based on the equivalent structure in Product Reference with the following additional field


Name Type Required Description
»» anonymous BankingProductFeatureV2 mandatory none


Name Type Required Description
»» anonymous object mandatory none
»»» isActivated Boolean optional True if the feature is already activated and false if the feature is available for activation. Defaults to true if absent. (note this is an additional field appended to the feature object defined in the Product Reference payload)


Name Type Required Description
» fees [BankingProductFee] optional Fees and charges applicable to the account based on the equivalent structure in Product Reference
» addresses [CommonPhysicalAddress] optional The addresses for the account to be used for correspondence

Enumerated Values

Property Value
specificAccountUType creditCard
specificAccountUType loan
specificAccountUType termDeposit


  "lodgementDate": "string",
  "maturityDate": "string",
  "maturityAmount": "string",
  "maturityCurrency": "string",
  "maturityInstructions": "HOLD_ON_MATURITY"


Name Type Required Description
lodgementDate DateString mandatory The lodgement date of the original deposit
maturityDate DateString mandatory Maturity date for the term deposit
maturityAmount AmountString optional Amount to be paid upon maturity. If absent it implies the amount to paid is variable and cannot currently be calculated
maturityCurrency CurrencyString optional If absent assumes AUD
maturityInstructions string mandatory Current instructions on action to be taken at maturity. This includes default actions that may be specified in the terms and conditions for the product e.g. roll-over to the same term and frequency of interest payments

Enumerated Values

Property Value
maturityInstructions HOLD_ON_MATURITY
maturityInstructions PAID_OUT_AT_MATURITY
maturityInstructions ROLLED_OVER


  "minPaymentAmount": "string",
  "paymentDueAmount": "string",
  "paymentCurrency": "string",
  "paymentDueDate": "string"


Name Type Required Description
minPaymentAmount AmountString mandatory The minimum payment amount due for the next card payment
paymentDueAmount AmountString mandatory The amount due for the next card payment
paymentCurrency CurrencyString optional If absent assumes AUD
paymentDueDate DateString mandatory Date that the next payment for the card is due


  "originalStartDate": "string",
  "originalLoanAmount": "string",
  "originalLoanCurrency": "string",
  "loanEndDate": "string",
  "nextInstalmentDate": "string",
  "minInstalmentAmount": "string",
  "minInstalmentCurrency": "string",
  "maxRedraw": "string",
  "maxRedrawCurrency": "string",
  "minRedraw": "string",
  "minRedrawCurrency": "string",
  "offsetAccountEnabled": true,
  "offsetAccountIds": [
  "repaymentType": "INTEREST_ONLY",
  "repaymentFrequency": "string"


Name Type Required Description
originalStartDate DateString optional Optional original start date for the loan
originalLoanAmount AmountString optional Optional original loan value
originalLoanCurrency CurrencyString optional If absent assumes AUD
loanEndDate DateString optional Date that the loan is due to be repaid in full
nextInstalmentDate DateString optional Next date that an instalment is required
minInstalmentAmount AmountString optional Minimum amount of next instalment
minInstalmentCurrency CurrencyString optional If absent assumes AUD
maxRedraw AmountString optional Maximum amount of funds that can be redrawn. If not present redraw is not available even if the feature exists for the account
maxRedrawCurrency CurrencyString optional If absent assumes AUD
minRedraw AmountString optional Minimum redraw amount
minRedrawCurrency CurrencyString optional If absent assumes AUD
offsetAccountEnabled Boolean optional Set to true if one or more offset accounts are configured for this loan account
offsetAccountIds [string] optional The accountIDs of the configured offset accounts attached to this loan. Only offset accounts that can be accessed under the current authorisation should be included. It is expected behaviour that offsetAccountEnabled is set to true but the offsetAccountIds field is absent or empty. This represents a situation where an offset account exists but details can not be accessed under the current authorisation
repaymentType string optional Options in place for repayments. If absent defaults to PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST
repaymentFrequency ExternalRef optional The expected or required repayment frequency. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax)

Enumerated Values

Property Value
repaymentType INTEREST_ONLY

  "self": "string"


Name Type Required Description
self URIString mandatory Fully qualified link that generated the current response document


  "addressUType": "paf",
  "simple": {
    "mailingName": "string",
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string",
    "addressLine3": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "country": "AUS"
  "paf": {
    "dpid": "string",
    "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
    "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
    "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
    "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
    "flatUnitType": "string",
    "flatUnitNumber": "string",
    "floorLevelType": "string",
    "floorLevelNumber": "string",
    "lotNumber": "string",
    "buildingName1": "string",
    "buildingName2": "string",
    "streetName": "string",
    "streetType": "string",
    "streetSuffix": "string",
    "postalDeliveryType": "string",
    "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
    "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
    "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
    "localityName": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "state": "string"


Name Type Required Description
addressUType string mandatory The type of address object present
simple CommonSimpleAddress conditional none
paf CommonPAFAddress conditional Australian address formatted according to the file format defined by the PAF file format

Enumerated Values

Property Value
addressUType paf
addressUType simple


  "mailingName": "string",
  "addressLine1": "string",
  "addressLine2": "string",
  "addressLine3": "string",
  "postcode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "country": "AUS"


Name Type Required Description
mailingName string optional Name of the individual or business formatted for inclusion in an address used for physical mail
addressLine1 string mandatory First line of the standard address object
addressLine2 string optional Second line of the standard address object
addressLine3 string optional Third line of the standard address object
postcode string conditional Mandatory for Australian addresses
city string mandatory Name of the city or locality
state string mandatory Free text if the country is not Australia. If country is Australia then must be one of the values defined by the State Type Abbreviation in the PAF file format. NSW, QLD, VIC, NT, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, AAT
country ExternalRef optional A valid ISO 3166 Alpha-3 country code. Australia (AUS) is assumed if country is not present.


  "dpid": "string",
  "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
  "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
  "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
  "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
  "flatUnitType": "string",
  "flatUnitNumber": "string",
  "floorLevelType": "string",
  "floorLevelNumber": "string",
  "lotNumber": "string",
  "buildingName1": "string",
  "buildingName2": "string",
  "streetName": "string",
  "streetType": "string",
  "streetSuffix": "string",
  "postalDeliveryType": "string",
  "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
  "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
  "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
  "localityName": "string",
  "postcode": "string",
  "state": "string"

Australian address formatted according to the file format defined by the PAF file format


Name Type Required Description
dpid string optional Unique identifier for an address as defined by Australia Post. Also known as Delivery Point Identifier
thoroughfareNumber1 PositiveInteger optional Thoroughfare number for a property (first number in a property ranged address)
thoroughfareNumber1Suffix string optional Suffix for the thoroughfare number. Only relevant is thoroughfareNumber1 is populated
thoroughfareNumber2 PositiveInteger optional Second thoroughfare number (only used if the property has a ranged address eg 23-25)
thoroughfareNumber2Suffix string optional Suffix for the second thoroughfare number. Only relevant is thoroughfareNumber2 is populated
flatUnitType string optional Type of flat or unit for the address
flatUnitNumber string optional Unit number (including suffix, if applicable)
floorLevelType string optional Type of floor or level for the address
floorLevelNumber string optional Floor or level number (including alpha characters)
lotNumber string optional Allotment number for the address
buildingName1 string optional Building/Property name 1
buildingName2 string optional Building/Property name 2
streetName string optional The name of the street
streetType string optional The street type. Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file
streetSuffix string optional The street type suffix. Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file
postalDeliveryType string optional Postal delivery type. (eg. PO BOX). Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file
postalDeliveryNumber PositiveInteger optional Postal delivery number if the address is a postal delivery type
postalDeliveryNumberPrefix string optional Postal delivery number prefix related to the postal delivery number
postalDeliveryNumberSuffix string optional Postal delivery number suffix related to the postal delivery number
localityName string mandatory Full name of locality
postcode string mandatory Postcode for the locality
state string mandatory State in which the address belongs. Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file State Type Abbreviation. NSW, QLD, VIC, NT, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, AAT






  "urn": "string"

Additional data for customised error codes


Name Type Required Description
urn string conditional The CDR error code URN which the application-specific error code extends. Mandatory if the error code is an application-specific error rather than a standardised error code.


  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "title": "string",
      "detail": "string",
      "meta": {
        "urn": "string"


Name Type Required Description
errors [object] mandatory none
» code string mandatory The code of the error encountered. Where the error is specific to the respondent, an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. If the error is application-specific, the URN code that the specific error extends must be provided in the meta object. Otherwise, the value is the error code URN.
» title string mandatory A short, human-readable summary of the problem that MUST NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem represented by the error code.
» detail string mandatory A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
» meta MetaError optional Additional data for customised error codes



The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details


Name Type Required Description
anonymous string mandatory The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details

Enumerated Values

Property Value
anonymous LEASES
anonymous MARGIN_LOANS
anonymous OVERDRAFTS
anonymous PERS_LOANS
anonymous TRAVEL_CARDS