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V1.1.1 Release Notes

Release notes for version 1.1.1 of the CDR Standards.

This version of the standards only contains fixes and clarifications. None of the changes in this version materially impact the intent or meaning of the standards and no updates should be required for compliant implementations.

High Level Standards

Change Description Link
Summary of future binding Added a section highlighting the sections of the standard where an obligation will commence at a future date Future Dated Obligations
Updated known issues Repurposed the known issues section to allow for clearer reporting of errata in each version Known Issues
Correct slashes Replaced back slashes with forward slashes in various places in samples and descriptive text Various
Removed sample files Removed a series of obsolete samples were not linked but were included in the repository Not Applicable
x-cds-client-headers description Ensured all descriptions for the x-cds-client-headers header are consistent across the standards Various
x-fapi-interaction-id description Ensured all descriptions for the x-fapi-interaction-id header are consistent across the standards Various
NFR Tier Clarification Updated the non-functional requirements section to include the end points added to the standards after this section was originally published. Note that this section is still non-binding in the standards with no future binding date set Performance Requirements

API End Points

Change Description Link
ANZSCO spelling Correction of incorrect spelling of ANZSCO Common Person
Remove x-cds-subject The x-cds-subject header was removed in v1.1.0 but references remained in swagger files and end point documentation. This has been corrected Various
Additional enum documentation Added additional enumeration value documentation that was in the decision proposal but not the standards for the nonBusinessDayTreatment field nonBusinessDayTreatment Field
UnitOfMeasure enum Improved the docuementation for the UnitOfMeasure field UnitOfMeasure field
Anonymous objects Corrected API end point documentation to indicate that anonymous objects are mandatory Various

Information Security Profile

Change Description Link
sharing_duration type Clarified that the type of the sharing_duration parameter of the request object is a number Requesting Sharing Duration
Normative reference corrections Fixed normative references that were inadvertently linking to RFC drafts rather than the final versions Normative References
Removed obsolete rationale An obsolete statement providing rationale for a past change to the standards that did not materially change the standards was removed Transaction Security
JWKS hosting An incorrect statement indicating that the CDR Register would host participant JWKS was removed Client Authentication
JWKS for recipients Corrected the documentation for the JWKS end point to indicate that recipients also need to host a JWKS end point JSON Web Key Set End Point

Consumer Experience

No Change