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Get Scheduled Payments Bulk V2

This page documents the obsolete version 2 of the Get Scheduled Payments Bulk endpoint.

This version is to be ceased to be called by data recipients by Date TBC and can be decommissioned by data holders as of that date.

Get Scheduled Payments Bulk

Code samples

Accept: application/json
x-v: string
x-min-v: string
x-fapi-interaction-id: string
x-fapi-auth-date: string
x-fapi-customer-ip-address: string
x-cds-client-headers: string

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

GET /banking/payments/scheduled

Obtain scheduled payments for multiple, filtered accounts that are the source of funds for the payments

Obsolete versions: v1

Endpoint Version

Version 2


Name In Type Required Description
product-category query string optional Used to filter results on the productCategory field applicable to accounts. Any one of the valid values for this field can be supplied. If absent then all accounts returned.
open-status query string optional Used to filter results according to open/closed status. Values can be OPEN, CLOSED or ALL. If absent then ALL is assumed
is-owned query Boolean optional Filters accounts based on whether they are owned by the authorised customer. True for owned accounts, false for unowned accounts and absent for all accounts
page query PositiveInteger optional Page of results to request (standard pagination)
page-size query PositiveInteger optional Page size to request. Default is 25 (standard pagination)
x-v header string mandatory Version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If the value of x-min-v is equal to or higher than the value of x-v then the x-min-v header should be treated as absent. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. See HTTP Headers
x-min-v header string optional Minimum version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer if provided. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable.
x-fapi-interaction-id header string optional An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
x-fapi-auth-date header string conditional The time when the customer last logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product as described in [FAPI-1.0-Baseline]. Required for all resource calls (customer present and unattended). Not required for unauthenticated calls.
x-fapi-customer-ip-address header string optional The customer's original IP address if the customer is currently logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product. The presence of this header indicates that the API is being called in a customer present context. Not to be included for unauthenticated calls.
x-cds-client-headers header Base64 conditional The customer's original standard http headers Base64 encoded, including the original User Agent header, if the customer is currently logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product. Mandatory for customer present calls. Not required for unattended or unauthenticated calls.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
product-category BUSINESS_LOANS
product-category CRED_AND_CHRG_CARDS
product-category LEASES
product-category MARGIN_LOANS
product-category OVERDRAFTS
product-category PERS_LOANS
product-category TERM_DEPOSITS
product-category TRADE_FINANCE
product-category TRAVEL_CARDS
open-status ALL
open-status CLOSED
open-status OPEN

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "scheduledPayments": [
        "scheduledPaymentId": "string",
        "nickname": "string",
        "payerReference": "string",
        "payeeReference": "string",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "from": {
          "accountId": "string"
        "paymentSet": [
            "to": {
              "toUType": "accountId",
              "accountId": "string",
              "payeeId": "string",
              "nickname": "string",
              "payeeReference": "string",
              "digitalWallet": {
                "name": "string",
                "identifier": "string",
                "type": "EMAIL",
                "provider": "PAYPAL_AU"
              "domestic": {
                "payeeAccountUType": "account",
                "account": {
                  "accountName": "string",
                  "bsb": "string",
                  "accountNumber": "string"
                "card": {
                  "cardNumber": "string"
                "payId": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "identifier": "string",
                  "type": "ABN"
              "biller": {
                "billerCode": "string",
                "crn": "string",
                "billerName": "string"
              "international": {
                "beneficiaryDetails": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "country": "string",
                  "message": "string"
                "bankDetails": {
                  "country": "string",
                  "accountNumber": "string",
                  "bankAddress": {
                    "name": "string",
                    "address": "string"
                  "beneficiaryBankBIC": "string",
                  "fedWireNumber": "string",
                  "sortCode": "string",
                  "chipNumber": "string",
                  "routingNumber": "string",
                  "legalEntityIdentifier": "string"
            "isAmountCalculated": true,
            "amount": "string",
            "currency": "string"
        "recurrence": {
          "nextPaymentDate": "string",
          "recurrenceUType": "eventBased",
          "onceOff": {
            "paymentDate": "string"
          "intervalSchedule": {
            "finalPaymentDate": "string",
            "paymentsRemaining": 1,
            "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER",
            "intervals": [
                "interval": "string",
                "dayInInterval": "string"
          "lastWeekDay": {
            "finalPaymentDate": "string",
            "paymentsRemaining": 1,
            "interval": "string",
            "lastWeekDay": "FRI",
            "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER"
          "eventBased": {
            "description": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string",
    "first": "string",
    "prev": "string",
    "next": "string",
    "last": "string"
  "meta": {
    "totalRecords": 0,
    "totalPages": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ResponseBankingScheduledPaymentsListV2
400 Bad Request The following error codes MUST be supported:
406 Not Acceptable The following error codes MUST be supported:
422 Unprocessable Entity The following error codes MUST be supported:

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 x-v string The version of the API end point that the data holder has responded with.
200 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
400 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
406 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
422 x-fapi-interaction-id string An [RFC4122] UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.



  "data": {
    "scheduledPayments": [
        "scheduledPaymentId": "string",
        "nickname": "string",
        "payerReference": "string",
        "payeeReference": "string",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "from": {
          "accountId": "string"
        "paymentSet": [
            "to": {
              "toUType": "accountId",
              "accountId": "string",
              "payeeId": "string",
              "nickname": "string",
              "payeeReference": "string",
              "digitalWallet": {
                "name": "string",
                "identifier": "string",
                "type": "EMAIL",
                "provider": "PAYPAL_AU"
              "domestic": {
                "payeeAccountUType": "account",
                "account": {
                  "accountName": "string",
                  "bsb": "string",
                  "accountNumber": "string"
                "card": {
                  "cardNumber": "string"
                "payId": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "identifier": "string",
                  "type": "ABN"
              "biller": {
                "billerCode": "string",
                "crn": "string",
                "billerName": "string"
              "international": {
                "beneficiaryDetails": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "country": "string",
                  "message": "string"
                "bankDetails": {
                  "country": "string",
                  "accountNumber": "string",
                  "bankAddress": {
                    "name": "string",
                    "address": "string"
                  "beneficiaryBankBIC": "string",
                  "fedWireNumber": "string",
                  "sortCode": "string",
                  "chipNumber": "string",
                  "routingNumber": "string",
                  "legalEntityIdentifier": "string"
            "isAmountCalculated": true,
            "amount": "string",
            "currency": "string"
        "recurrence": {
          "nextPaymentDate": "string",
          "recurrenceUType": "eventBased",
          "onceOff": {
            "paymentDate": "string"
          "intervalSchedule": {
            "finalPaymentDate": "string",
            "paymentsRemaining": 1,
            "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER",
            "intervals": [
                "interval": "string",
                "dayInInterval": "string"
          "lastWeekDay": {
            "finalPaymentDate": "string",
            "paymentsRemaining": 1,
            "interval": "string",
            "lastWeekDay": "FRI",
            "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER"
          "eventBased": {
            "description": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string",
    "first": "string",
    "prev": "string",
    "next": "string",
    "last": "string"
  "meta": {
    "totalRecords": 0,
    "totalPages": 0


Name Type Required Description
data object mandatory none
» scheduledPayments [BankingScheduledPaymentV2] mandatory The list of scheduled payments to return
links LinksPaginated mandatory none
meta MetaPaginated mandatory none


  "scheduledPaymentId": "string",
  "nickname": "string",
  "payerReference": "string",
  "payeeReference": "string",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "from": {
    "accountId": "string"
  "paymentSet": [
      "to": {
        "toUType": "accountId",
        "accountId": "string",
        "payeeId": "string",
        "nickname": "string",
        "payeeReference": "string",
        "digitalWallet": {
          "name": "string",
          "identifier": "string",
          "type": "EMAIL",
          "provider": "PAYPAL_AU"
        "domestic": {
          "payeeAccountUType": "account",
          "account": {
            "accountName": "string",
            "bsb": "string",
            "accountNumber": "string"
          "card": {
            "cardNumber": "string"
          "payId": {
            "name": "string",
            "identifier": "string",
            "type": "ABN"
        "biller": {
          "billerCode": "string",
          "crn": "string",
          "billerName": "string"
        "international": {
          "beneficiaryDetails": {
            "name": "string",
            "country": "string",
            "message": "string"
          "bankDetails": {
            "country": "string",
            "accountNumber": "string",
            "bankAddress": {
              "name": "string",
              "address": "string"
            "beneficiaryBankBIC": "string",
            "fedWireNumber": "string",
            "sortCode": "string",
            "chipNumber": "string",
            "routingNumber": "string",
            "legalEntityIdentifier": "string"
      "isAmountCalculated": true,
      "amount": "string",
      "currency": "string"
  "recurrence": {
    "nextPaymentDate": "string",
    "recurrenceUType": "eventBased",
    "onceOff": {
      "paymentDate": "string"
    "intervalSchedule": {
      "finalPaymentDate": "string",
      "paymentsRemaining": 1,
      "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER",
      "intervals": [
          "interval": "string",
          "dayInInterval": "string"
    "lastWeekDay": {
      "finalPaymentDate": "string",
      "paymentsRemaining": 1,
      "interval": "string",
      "lastWeekDay": "FRI",
      "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER"
    "eventBased": {
      "description": "string"


Name Type Required Description
scheduledPaymentId ASCIIString mandatory A unique ID of the scheduled payment adhering to the standards for ID permanence
nickname string optional The short display name of the scheduled payment as provided by the customer if provided. Where a customer has not provided a nickname, a display name derived by the bank for the scheduled payment should be provided that is consistent with existing digital banking channels
payerReference string mandatory The reference for the transaction that will be used by the originating institution for the purposes of constructing a statement narrative on the payer’s account. Empty string if no data provided
payeeReference string conditional The reference for the transaction, if applicable, that will be provided by the originating institution for all payments in the payment set. Empty string if no data provided
status string mandatory Indicates whether the schedule is currently active. The value SKIP is equivalent to ACTIVE except that the customer has requested the next normal occurrence to be skipped.
from BankingScheduledPaymentFrom mandatory Object containing details of the source of the payment. Currently only specifies an account ID but provided as an object to facilitate future extensibility and consistency with the to object
paymentSet [BankingScheduledPaymentSetV2] mandatory [The set of payment amounts and destination accounts for this payment accommodating multi-part payments. A single entry indicates a simple payment with one destination account. Must have at least one entry]
recurrence BankingScheduledPaymentRecurrence mandatory Object containing the detail of the schedule for the payment

Enumerated Values

Property Value
status ACTIVE
status SKIP


  "to": {
    "toUType": "accountId",
    "accountId": "string",
    "payeeId": "string",
    "nickname": "string",
    "payeeReference": "string",
    "digitalWallet": {
      "name": "string",
      "identifier": "string",
      "type": "EMAIL",
      "provider": "PAYPAL_AU"
    "domestic": {
      "payeeAccountUType": "account",
      "account": {
        "accountName": "string",
        "bsb": "string",
        "accountNumber": "string"
      "card": {
        "cardNumber": "string"
      "payId": {
        "name": "string",
        "identifier": "string",
        "type": "ABN"
    "biller": {
      "billerCode": "string",
      "crn": "string",
      "billerName": "string"
    "international": {
      "beneficiaryDetails": {
        "name": "string",
        "country": "string",
        "message": "string"
      "bankDetails": {
        "country": "string",
        "accountNumber": "string",
        "bankAddress": {
          "name": "string",
          "address": "string"
        "beneficiaryBankBIC": "string",
        "fedWireNumber": "string",
        "sortCode": "string",
        "chipNumber": "string",
        "routingNumber": "string",
        "legalEntityIdentifier": "string"
  "isAmountCalculated": true,
  "amount": "string",
  "currency": "string"

The set of payment amounts and destination accounts for this payment accommodating multi-part payments. A single entry indicates a simple payment with one destination account. Must have at least one entry


Name Type Required Description
to BankingScheduledPaymentToV2 mandatory Object containing details of the destination of the payment. Used to specify a variety of payment destination types
isAmountCalculated Boolean optional Flag indicating whether the amount of the payment is calculated based on the context of the event. For instance a payment to reduce the balance of a credit card to zero. If absent then false is assumed
amount AmountString conditional The amount of the next payment if known. Mandatory unless the isAmountCalculated field is set to true. Must be zero or positive if present
currency CurrencyString optional The currency for the payment. AUD assumed if not present


  "toUType": "accountId",
  "accountId": "string",
  "payeeId": "string",
  "nickname": "string",
  "payeeReference": "string",
  "digitalWallet": {
    "name": "string",
    "identifier": "string",
    "type": "EMAIL",
    "provider": "PAYPAL_AU"
  "domestic": {
    "payeeAccountUType": "account",
    "account": {
      "accountName": "string",
      "bsb": "string",
      "accountNumber": "string"
    "card": {
      "cardNumber": "string"
    "payId": {
      "name": "string",
      "identifier": "string",
      "type": "ABN"
  "biller": {
    "billerCode": "string",
    "crn": "string",
    "billerName": "string"
  "international": {
    "beneficiaryDetails": {
      "name": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "message": "string"
    "bankDetails": {
      "country": "string",
      "accountNumber": "string",
      "bankAddress": {
        "name": "string",
        "address": "string"
      "beneficiaryBankBIC": "string",
      "fedWireNumber": "string",
      "sortCode": "string",
      "chipNumber": "string",
      "routingNumber": "string",
      "legalEntityIdentifier": "string"

Object containing details of the destination of the payment. Used to specify a variety of payment destination types


Name Type Required Description
toUType string mandatory The type of object provided that specifies the destination of the funds for the payment.
accountId ASCIIString conditional Present if toUType is set to accountId. Indicates that the payment is to another account that is accessible under the current consent
payeeId ASCIIString conditional Present if toUType is set to payeeId. Indicates that the payment is to registered payee that can be accessed using the payee end point. If the Bank Payees scope has not been consented to then a payeeId should not be provided and the full payee details should be provided instead
nickname string conditional The short display name of the payee as provided by the customer unless toUType is set to payeeId. Where a customer has not provided a nickname, a display name derived by the bank for payee should be provided that is consistent with existing digital banking channels
payeeReference string conditional The reference for the transaction, if applicable, that will be provided by the originating institution for the specific payment. If not empty, it overrides the value provided at the BankingScheduledPayment level.
digitalWallet BankingDigitalWalletPayee conditional none
domestic BankingDomesticPayee conditional none
biller BankingBillerPayee conditional none
international BankingInternationalPayee conditional none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
toUType accountId
toUType biller
toUType digitalWallet
toUType domestic
toUType international
toUType payeeId


  "accountId": "string"

Object containing details of the source of the payment. Currently only specifies an account ID but provided as an object to facilitate future extensibility and consistency with the to object


Name Type Required Description
accountId ASCIIString mandatory ID of the account that is the source of funds for the payment


  "nextPaymentDate": "string",
  "recurrenceUType": "eventBased",
  "onceOff": {
    "paymentDate": "string"
  "intervalSchedule": {
    "finalPaymentDate": "string",
    "paymentsRemaining": 1,
    "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER",
    "intervals": [
        "interval": "string",
        "dayInInterval": "string"
  "lastWeekDay": {
    "finalPaymentDate": "string",
    "paymentsRemaining": 1,
    "interval": "string",
    "lastWeekDay": "FRI",
    "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER"
  "eventBased": {
    "description": "string"

Object containing the detail of the schedule for the payment


Name Type Required Description
nextPaymentDate DateString optional The date of the next payment under the recurrence schedule
recurrenceUType string mandatory The type of recurrence used to define the schedule
onceOff BankingScheduledPaymentRecurrenceOnceOff conditional Indicates that the payment is a once off payment on a specific future date. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to onceOff
intervalSchedule BankingScheduledPaymentRecurrenceIntervalSchedule conditional Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined by a series of intervals. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to intervalSchedule
lastWeekDay BankingScheduledPaymentRecurrenceLastWeekday conditional Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to the last occurrence of a specific weekday in an interval. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to lastWeekDay
eventBased BankingScheduledPaymentRecurrenceEventBased conditional Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to an external event that cannot be predetermined. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to eventBased

Enumerated Values

Property Value
recurrenceUType eventBased
recurrenceUType intervalSchedule
recurrenceUType lastWeekDay
recurrenceUType onceOff


  "paymentDate": "string"

Indicates that the payment is a once off payment on a specific future date. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to onceOff


Name Type Required Description
paymentDate DateString mandatory The scheduled date for the once off payment


  "finalPaymentDate": "string",
  "paymentsRemaining": 1,
  "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER",
  "intervals": [
      "interval": "string",
      "dayInInterval": "string"

Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined by a series of intervals. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to intervalSchedule


Name Type Required Description
finalPaymentDate DateString optional The limit date after which no more payments should be made using this schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value. If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely
paymentsRemaining PositiveInteger optional Indicates the number of payments remaining in the schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value, If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely
nonBusinessDayTreatment string optional Enumerated field giving the treatment where a scheduled payment date is not a business day. If absent assumed to be ON.
AFTER - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on the first business day after the scheduled payment date.
BEFORE - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on the first business day before the scheduled payment date.
ON - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on that day regardless.
ONLY - Payments only occur on business days. If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be ignored
intervals [BankingScheduledPaymentInterval] mandatory An array of interval objects defining the payment schedule. Each entry in the array is additive, in that it adds payments to the overall payment schedule. If multiple intervals result in a payment on the same day then only one payment will be made. Must have at least one entry

Enumerated Values

Property Value
nonBusinessDayTreatment AFTER
nonBusinessDayTreatment BEFORE
nonBusinessDayTreatment ON
nonBusinessDayTreatment ONLY


  "interval": "string",
  "dayInInterval": "string"


Name Type Required Description
interval ExternalRef mandatory An interval for the payment. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax) with components less than a day in length ignored. This duration defines the period between payments starting with nextPaymentDate
dayInInterval ExternalRef optional Uses an interval to define the ordinal day within the interval defined by the interval field on which the payment occurs. If the resulting duration is 0 days in length or larger than the number of days in the interval then the payment will occur on the last day of the interval. A duration of 1 day indicates the first day of the interval. If absent the assumed value is P1D. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax) with components less than a day in length ignored. The first day of a week is considered to be Monday.


  "finalPaymentDate": "string",
  "paymentsRemaining": 1,
  "interval": "string",
  "lastWeekDay": "FRI",
  "nonBusinessDayTreatment": "AFTER"

Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to the last occurrence of a specific weekday in an interval. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to lastWeekDay


Name Type Required Description
finalPaymentDate DateString optional The limit date after which no more payments should be made using this schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value. If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely
paymentsRemaining PositiveInteger optional Indicates the number of payments remaining in the schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value. If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely
interval ExternalRef mandatory The interval for the payment. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax) with components less than a day in length ignored. This duration defines the period between payments starting with nextPaymentDate
lastWeekDay string mandatory The weekDay specified. The payment will occur on the last occurrence of this weekday in the interval.
nonBusinessDayTreatment string optional Enumerated field giving the treatment where a scheduled payment date is not a business day. If absent assumed to be ON.
AFTER - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on the first business day after the scheduled payment date.
BEFORE - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on the first business day before the scheduled payment date.
ON - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on that day regardless.
ONLY - Payments only occur on business days. If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be ignored

Enumerated Values

Property Value
lastWeekDay FRI
lastWeekDay MON
lastWeekDay SAT
lastWeekDay SUN
lastWeekDay THU
lastWeekDay TUE
lastWeekDay WED
nonBusinessDayTreatment AFTER
nonBusinessDayTreatment BEFORE
nonBusinessDayTreatment ON
nonBusinessDayTreatment ONLY


  "description": "string"

Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to an external event that cannot be predetermined. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to eventBased


Name Type Required Description
description string mandatory Description of the event and conditions that will result in the payment. Expected to be formatted for display to a customer


  "payeeAccountUType": "account",
  "account": {
    "accountName": "string",
    "bsb": "string",
    "accountNumber": "string"
  "card": {
    "cardNumber": "string"
  "payId": {
    "name": "string",
    "identifier": "string",
    "type": "ABN"


Name Type Required Description
payeeAccountUType string mandatory Type of account object included. Valid values are: account A standard Australian account defined by BSB/Account Number. card A credit or charge card to pay to (note that PANs are masked). payId A PayID recognised by NPP
account BankingDomesticPayeeAccount conditional none
card BankingDomesticPayeeCard conditional none
payId BankingDomesticPayeePayId conditional none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
payeeAccountUType account
payeeAccountUType card
payeeAccountUType payId


  "accountName": "string",
  "bsb": "string",
  "accountNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Description
accountName string optional Name of the account to pay to
bsb string mandatory BSB of the account to pay to
accountNumber string mandatory Number of the account to pay to


  "cardNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Description
cardNumber MaskedPANString mandatory Name of the account to pay to


  "name": "string",
  "identifier": "string",
  "type": "ABN"


Name Type Required Description
name string optional The name assigned to the PayID by the owner of the PayID
identifier string mandatory The identifier of the PayID (dependent on type)
type string mandatory The type of the PayID

Enumerated Values

Property Value
type ABN
type EMAIL


  "billerCode": "string",
  "crn": "string",
  "billerName": "string"


Name Type Required Description
billerCode string mandatory BPAY Biller Code of the Biller
crn string conditional BPAY CRN of the Biller (if available).
Where the CRN contains sensitive information, it should be masked in line with how the Data Holder currently displays account identifiers in their existing online banking channels. If the contents of the CRN match the format of a Credit Card PAN they should be masked according to the rules applicable for MaskedPANString. If the contents are otherwise sensitive, then it should be masked using the rules applicable for the MaskedAccountString common type.
billerName string mandatory Name of the Biller


  "beneficiaryDetails": {
    "name": "string",
    "country": "string",
    "message": "string"
  "bankDetails": {
    "country": "string",
    "accountNumber": "string",
    "bankAddress": {
      "name": "string",
      "address": "string"
    "beneficiaryBankBIC": "string",
    "fedWireNumber": "string",
    "sortCode": "string",
    "chipNumber": "string",
    "routingNumber": "string",
    "legalEntityIdentifier": "string"


Name Type Required Description
beneficiaryDetails object mandatory none
» name string optional Name of the beneficiary
» country ExternalRef mandatory Country where the beneficiary resides. A valid ISO 3166 Alpha-3 country code
» message string optional Response message for the payment
bankDetails object mandatory none
» country ExternalRef mandatory Country of the recipient institution. A valid ISO 3166 Alpha-3 country code
» accountNumber string mandatory Account Targeted for payment
» bankAddress object optional none
»» name string mandatory Name of the recipient Bank
»» address string mandatory Address of the recipient Bank
» beneficiaryBankBIC ExternalRef optional Swift bank code. Aligns with standard ISO 9362
» fedWireNumber string optional Number for Fedwire payment (Federal Reserve Wire Network)
» sortCode string optional Sort code used for account identification in some jurisdictions
» chipNumber string optional Number for the Clearing House Interbank Payments System
» routingNumber string optional International bank routing number
» legalEntityIdentifier ExternalRef optional The legal entity identifier (LEI) for the beneficiary. Aligns with ISO 17442


  "name": "string",
  "identifier": "string",
  "type": "EMAIL",
  "provider": "PAYPAL_AU"


Name Type Required Description
name string mandatory The display name of the wallet as given by the customer, else a default value defined by the data holder
identifier string mandatory The identifier of the digital wallet (dependent on type)
type string mandatory The type of the digital wallet identifier
provider string mandatory The provider of the digital wallet

Enumerated Values

Property Value
type EMAIL
provider PAYPAL_AU
provider OTHER


  "self": "string",
  "first": "string",
  "prev": "string",
  "next": "string",
  "last": "string"


Name Type Required Description
self URIString mandatory Fully qualified link that generated the current response document
first URIString conditional URI to the first page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the first page
prev URIString conditional URI to the previous page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the first page
next URIString conditional URI to the next page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the last page
last URIString conditional URI to the last page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the last page


  "totalRecords": 0,
  "totalPages": 0


Name Type Required Description
totalRecords NaturalNumber mandatory The total number of records in the full set. See pagination.
totalPages NaturalNumber mandatory The total number of pages in the full set. See pagination.


  "urn": "string"

Additional data for customised error codes


Name Type Required Description
urn string conditional The CDR error code URN which the application-specific error code extends. Mandatory if the error code is an application-specific error rather than a standardised error code.


  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "title": "string",
      "detail": "string",
      "meta": {
        "urn": "string"


Name Type Required Description
errors [object] mandatory none
» code string mandatory The code of the error encountered. Where the error is specific to the respondent, an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. If the error is application-specific, the URN code that the specific error extends must be provided in the meta object. Otherwise, the value is the error code URN.
» title string mandatory A short, human-readable summary of the problem that MUST NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem represented by the error code.
» detail string mandatory A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
» meta MetaError optional Additional data for customised error codes



The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details


Name Type Required Description
anonymous string mandatory The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details

Enumerated Values

Property Value
anonymous LEASES
anonymous MARGIN_LOANS
anonymous OVERDRAFTS
anonymous PERS_LOANS
anonymous TRAVEL_CARDS