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Get Products V3

This page documents the obsolete version 3 of the Get Products endpoint.

This version is to be ceased to be called by data recipients by Date TBC and can be decommissioned by data holders as of that date.

Get Products

Code samples

Accept: application/json
x-v: string
x-min-v: string

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

GET /banking/products

Obtain a list of products that are currently openly offered to the market

Note that the results returned by this end point are expected to be ordered in descending order according to lastUpdated.


In the product reference payloads there are a number of recurring conventions that are explained here, in one place.

Arrays Of Features

In the product detail payload there are a number of arrays articulating generic features, constraints, prices, etc. The intent of these arrays is as follows:

URIs To More Information

As the complexities and nuances of a financial product can not easily be fully expressed in a data structure without a high degree of complexity it is necessary to provide additional reference information that a potential customer can access so that they are fully informed of the features and implications of the product. The payloads for product reference therefore contain numerous fields that are provided to allow the product holder to describe the product more fully using a web page hosted on their online channels.

These URIs do not need to all link to different pages. If desired, they can all link to a single hosted page and use difference HTML anchors to focus on a specific topic such as eligibility or fees.

Linkage To Accounts

From the moment that a customer applies for a product and an account is created the account and the product that spawned it will diverge. Rates and features of the product may change and a discount may be negotiated for the account.

For this reason, while productCategory is a common field between accounts and products, there is no specific ID that can be used to link an account to a product within the regime.

Similarly, many of the fields and objects in the product payload will appear in the account detail payload but the structures and semantics are not identical as one refers to a product that can potentially be originated and one refers to an account that actually has been instantiated and created along with the associated decisions inherent in that process.


It is expected that data consumers needing this data will call relatively frequently to ensure the data they have is representative of the current offering from a bank. To minimise the volume and frequency of these calls the ability to set a lastUpdated field with the date and time of the last update to this product is included. A call for a list of products can then be filtered to only return products that have been updated since the last time that data was obtained using the updated-since query parameter.

In addition, the concept of effective date and time has also been included. This allows for a product to be marked for obsolescence, or introduction, from a certain time without the need for an update to show that a product has been changed. The inclusion of these dates also removes the need to represent deleted products in the payload. Products that are no long offered can be marked not effective for a few weeks before they are then removed from the product set as an option entirely.

Obsolete versions: v1, v2

Endpoint Version

Version 3


Name In Type Required Description
effective query string optional Allows for the filtering of products based on whether the current time is within the period of time defined as effective by the effectiveFrom and effectiveTo fields. Valid values are ‘CURRENT’, ‘FUTURE’ and ‘ALL’. If absent defaults to 'CURRENT'
updated-since query DateTimeString optional Only include products that have been updated after the specified date and time. If absent defaults to include all products
brand query string optional Filter results based on a specific brand
product-category query string optional Used to filter results on the productCategory field applicable to accounts. Any one of the valid values for this field can be supplied. If absent then all accounts returned.
page query PositiveInteger optional Page of results to request (standard pagination)
page-size query PositiveInteger optional Page size to request. Default is 25 (standard pagination)
x-v header string mandatory Version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If the value of x-min-v is equal to or higher than the value of x-v then the x-min-v header should be treated as absent. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. See HTTP Headers
x-min-v header string optional Minimum version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer if provided. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
effective ALL
effective CURRENT
effective FUTURE
product-category BUSINESS_LOANS
product-category CRED_AND_CHRG_CARDS
product-category LEASES
product-category MARGIN_LOANS
product-category OVERDRAFTS
product-category PERS_LOANS
product-category TERM_DEPOSITS
product-category TRADE_FINANCE
product-category TRAVEL_CARDS

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "products": [
        "productId": "string",
        "effectiveFrom": "string",
        "effectiveTo": "string",
        "lastUpdated": "string",
        "productCategory": "BUSINESS_LOANS",
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "brand": "string",
        "brandName": "string",
        "applicationUri": "string",
        "isTailored": true,
        "additionalInformation": {
          "overviewUri": "string",
          "termsUri": "string",
          "eligibilityUri": "string",
          "feesAndPricingUri": "string",
          "bundleUri": "string",
          "additionalOverviewUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalTermsUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalEligibilityUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalFeesAndPricingUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalBundleUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "cardArt": [
            "title": "string",
            "imageUri": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string",
    "first": "string",
    "prev": "string",
    "next": "string",
    "last": "string"
  "meta": {
    "totalRecords": 0,
    "totalPages": 0


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ResponseBankingProductListV2
400 Bad Request The following error codes MUST be supported:
406 Not Acceptable The following error codes MUST be supported:
422 Unprocessable Entity The following error codes MUST be supported:

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 x-v string The version of the API end point that the data holder has responded with.



  "data": {
    "products": [
        "productId": "string",
        "effectiveFrom": "string",
        "effectiveTo": "string",
        "lastUpdated": "string",
        "productCategory": "BUSINESS_LOANS",
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "brand": "string",
        "brandName": "string",
        "applicationUri": "string",
        "isTailored": true,
        "additionalInformation": {
          "overviewUri": "string",
          "termsUri": "string",
          "eligibilityUri": "string",
          "feesAndPricingUri": "string",
          "bundleUri": "string",
          "additionalOverviewUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalTermsUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalEligibilityUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalFeesAndPricingUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
          "additionalBundleUris": [
              "description": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "cardArt": [
            "title": "string",
            "imageUri": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string",
    "first": "string",
    "prev": "string",
    "next": "string",
    "last": "string"
  "meta": {
    "totalRecords": 0,
    "totalPages": 0


Name Type Required Description
data object mandatory none
» products [BankingProductV4] mandatory The list of products returned. If the filter results in an empty set then this array may have no records
links LinksPaginated mandatory none
meta MetaPaginated mandatory none


  "productId": "string",
  "effectiveFrom": "string",
  "effectiveTo": "string",
  "lastUpdated": "string",
  "productCategory": "BUSINESS_LOANS",
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "brand": "string",
  "brandName": "string",
  "applicationUri": "string",
  "isTailored": true,
  "additionalInformation": {
    "overviewUri": "string",
    "termsUri": "string",
    "eligibilityUri": "string",
    "feesAndPricingUri": "string",
    "bundleUri": "string",
    "additionalOverviewUris": [
        "description": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "additionalTermsUris": [
        "description": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "additionalEligibilityUris": [
        "description": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "additionalFeesAndPricingUris": [
        "description": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "additionalBundleUris": [
        "description": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "cardArt": [
      "title": "string",
      "imageUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
productId ASCIIString mandatory A data holder specific unique identifier for this product. This identifier must be unique to a product but does not otherwise need to adhere to ID permanence guidelines.
effectiveFrom DateTimeString optional The date and time from which this product is effective (ie. is available for origination). Used to enable the articulation of products to the regime before they are available for customers to originate
effectiveTo DateTimeString optional The date and time at which this product will be retired and will no longer be offered. Used to enable the managed deprecation of products
lastUpdated DateTimeString mandatory The last date and time that the information for this product was changed (or the creation date for the product if it has never been altered)
productCategory BankingProductCategory mandatory The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details
name string mandatory The display name of the product
description string mandatory A description of the product
brand string mandatory A label of the brand for the product. Able to be used for filtering. For data holders with single brands this value is still required
brandName string optional An optional display name of the brand
applicationUri URIString optional A link to an application web page where this product can be applied for.
isTailored Boolean mandatory Indicates whether the product is specifically tailored to a circumstance. In this case fees and prices are significantly negotiated depending on context. While all products are open to a degree of tailoring this flag indicates that tailoring is expected and thus that the provision of specific fees and rates is not applicable
additionalInformation BankingProductAdditionalInformationV2 optional Object that contains links to additional information on specific topics
cardArt [object] optional An array of card art images
» title string optional Display label for the specific image
» imageUri URIString mandatory URI reference to a PNG, JPG or GIF image with proportions defined by ISO 7810 ID-1 and width no greater than 512 pixels. The URI reference may be a link or url-encoded data URI according to [RFC2397]


  "overviewUri": "string",
  "termsUri": "string",
  "eligibilityUri": "string",
  "feesAndPricingUri": "string",
  "bundleUri": "string",
  "additionalOverviewUris": [
      "description": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "additionalTermsUris": [
      "description": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "additionalEligibilityUris": [
      "description": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "additionalFeesAndPricingUris": [
      "description": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "additionalBundleUris": [
      "description": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"

Object that contains links to additional information on specific topics


Name Type Required Description
overviewUri URIString conditional General overview of the product. Mandatory if additionalOverviewUris includes one or more supporting documents.
termsUri URIString conditional Terms and conditions for the product. Mandatory if additionalTermsUris includes one or more supporting documents.
eligibilityUri URIString conditional Eligibility rules and criteria for the product. Mandatory if additionalEligibilityUris includes one or more supporting documents.
feesAndPricingUri URIString conditional Description of fees, pricing, discounts, exemptions and bonuses for the product. Mandatory if additionalFeesAndPricingUris includes one or more supporting documents.
bundleUri URIString conditional Description of a bundle that this product can be part of. Mandatory if additionalBundleUris includes one or more supporting documents.
additionalOverviewUris [BankingProductAdditionalInformationV2_additionalInformationUris] optional An array of additional general overviews for the product or features of the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the overviewUri. Only to be used if there is a primary overviewUri.
additionalTermsUris [BankingProductAdditionalInformationV2_additionalInformationUris] optional An array of additional terms and conditions for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the termsUri. Only to be used if there is a primary termsUri.
additionalEligibilityUris [BankingProductAdditionalInformationV2_additionalInformationUris] optional An array of additional eligibility rules and criteria for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the eligibilityUri. Only to be used if there is a primary eligibilityUri.
additionalFeesAndPricingUris [BankingProductAdditionalInformationV2_additionalInformationUris] optional An array of additional fees, pricing, discounts, exemptions and bonuses for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the feesAndPricingUri. Only to be used if there is a primary feesAndPricingUri.
additionalBundleUris [BankingProductAdditionalInformationV2_additionalInformationUris] optional An array of additional bundles for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the bundleUri. Only to be used if there is a primary bundleUri.


  "description": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
description string optional Display text providing more information about the document URI
additionalInfoUri URIString mandatory The URI describing the additional information


  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string",
  "productIds": [


Name Type Required Description
name string mandatory Name of the bundle
description string mandatory Description of the bundle
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the bundle
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on the bundle criteria and benefits
productIds [string] optional Array of product IDs for products included in the bundle that are available via the product end points. Note that this array is not intended to represent a comprehensive model of the products included in the bundle and some products available for the bundle may not be available via the product reference end points


  "featureType": "ADDITIONAL_CARDS",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
featureType string mandatory The type of feature described
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the featureType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of the featureType.
additionalInfo string conditional Display text providing more information on the feature. Mandatory if the feature type is set to OTHER
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this feature

Enumerated Values

Property Value
featureType BILL_PAYMENT
featureType CARD_ACCESS
featureType FREE_TXNS
featureType GUARANTOR
featureType INSURANCE
featureType NPP_ENABLED
featureType NPP_PAYID
featureType OFFSET
featureType OTHER
featureType OVERDRAFT
featureType REDRAW


  "constraintType": "MAX_BALANCE",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
constraintType string mandatory The type of constraint described. See the next section for an overview of valid values and their meaning
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the constraintType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of constraintType
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information the constraint
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on the constraint

Enumerated Values

Property Value
constraintType MAX_BALANCE
constraintType MAX_LIMIT
constraintType MIN_BALANCE
constraintType MIN_LIMIT
constraintType OPENING_BALANCE


  "eligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
eligibilityType string mandatory The type of eligibility criteria described. See the next section for an overview of valid values and their meaning
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the eligibilityType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of eligibilityType
additionalInfo string conditional Display text providing more information on the eligibility criteria. Mandatory if the field is set to OTHER
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this eligibility criteria

Enumerated Values

Property Value
eligibilityType BUSINESS
eligibilityType MAX_AGE
eligibilityType MIN_AGE
eligibilityType MIN_INCOME
eligibilityType MIN_TURNOVER
eligibilityType NATURAL_PERSON
eligibilityType OTHER
eligibilityType RESIDENCY_STATUS
eligibilityType STAFF
eligibilityType STUDENT


  "name": "string",
  "feeType": "DEPOSIT",
  "amount": "string",
  "balanceRate": "string",
  "transactionRate": "string",
  "accruedRate": "string",
  "accrualFrequency": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string",
  "discounts": [
      "description": "string",
      "discountType": "BALANCE",
      "amount": "string",
      "balanceRate": "string",
      "transactionRate": "string",
      "accruedRate": "string",
      "feeRate": "string",
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string",
      "eligibility": [
          "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
          "additionalValue": "string",
          "additionalInfo": "string",
          "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
name string mandatory Name of the fee
feeType string mandatory The type of fee
amount AmountString conditional The amount charged for the fee. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied
balanceRate RateString conditional A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of the balance. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied.
transactionRate RateString conditional A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of a transaction. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied
accruedRate RateString conditional A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of the calculated interest accrued on the account. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeType "VARIABLE" is supplied
accrualFrequency ExternalRef optional The indicative frequency with which the fee is calculated on the account. Only applies if balanceRate or accruedRate is also present. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax)
currency CurrencyString optional The currency the fee will be charged in. Assumes AUD if absent
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the feeType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of feeType
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the fee
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this fee
discounts [BankingProductDiscount] optional An optional list of discounts to this fee that may be available

Enumerated Values

Property Value
feeType EVENT
feeType EXIT


  "description": "string",
  "discountType": "BALANCE",
  "amount": "string",
  "balanceRate": "string",
  "transactionRate": "string",
  "accruedRate": "string",
  "feeRate": "string",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string",
  "eligibility": [
      "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
      "additionalValue": "string",
      "additionalInfo": "string",
      "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
description string mandatory Description of the discount
discountType string mandatory The type of discount. See the next section for an overview of valid values and their meaning
amount AmountString conditional Dollar value of the discount. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory.
balanceRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the balance. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee
transactionRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of a transaction. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory
accruedRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the calculated interest accrued on the account. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee
feeRate RateString conditional A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the fee to which this discount is attached. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the discountType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of discountType
additionalInfo string optional Display text providing more information on the discount
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this discount
eligibility [BankingProductDiscountEligibility] conditional Eligibility constraints that apply to this discount. Mandatory if discountType is ELIGIBILITY_ONLY.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
discountType BALANCE
discountType DEPOSITS
discountType FEE_CAP
discountType PAYMENTS


  "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
  "additionalValue": "string",
  "additionalInfo": "string",
  "additionalInfoUri": "string"


Name Type Required Description
discountEligibilityType string mandatory The type of the specific eligibility constraint for a discount
additionalValue string conditional Generic field containing additional information relevant to the discountEligibilityType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of discountEligibilityType
additionalInfo string conditional Display text providing more information on this eligibility constraint. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of discountEligibilityType
additionalInfoUri URIString optional Link to a web page with more information on this eligibility constraint

Enumerated Values

Property Value
discountEligibilityType BUSINESS
discountEligibilityType EMPLOYMENT_STATUS
discountEligibilityType INTRODUCTORY
discountEligibilityType MAX_AGE
discountEligibilityType MIN_AGE
discountEligibilityType MIN_INCOME
discountEligibilityType MIN_TURNOVER
discountEligibilityType NATURAL_PERSON
discountEligibilityType OTHER
discountEligibilityType PENSION_RECIPIENT
discountEligibilityType RESIDENCY_STATUS
discountEligibilityType STAFF
discountEligibilityType STUDENT


  "self": "string",
  "first": "string",
  "prev": "string",
  "next": "string",
  "last": "string"


Name Type Required Description
self URIString mandatory Fully qualified link that generated the current response document
first URIString conditional URI to the first page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the first page
prev URIString conditional URI to the previous page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the first page
next URIString conditional URI to the next page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the last page
last URIString conditional URI to the last page of this set. Mandatory if this response is not the last page


  "totalRecords": 0,
  "totalPages": 0


Name Type Required Description
totalRecords NaturalNumber mandatory The total number of records in the full set. See pagination.
totalPages NaturalNumber mandatory The total number of pages in the full set. See pagination.


  "totalRecords": 0,
  "totalPages": 0,
  "isQueryParamUnsupported": false



Name Type Required Description
anonymous MetaPaginated mandatory none


Name Type Required Description
anonymous object mandatory none
» isQueryParamUnsupported Boolean optional true if "text" query parameter is not supported


  "urn": "string"

Additional data for customised error codes


Name Type Required Description
urn string conditional The CDR error code URN which the application-specific error code extends. Mandatory if the error code is an application-specific error rather than a standardised error code.


  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "title": "string",
      "detail": "string",
      "meta": {
        "urn": "string"


Name Type Required Description
errors [object] mandatory none
» code string mandatory The code of the error encountered. Where the error is specific to the respondent, an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. If the error is application-specific, the URN code that the specific error extends must be provided in the meta object. Otherwise, the value is the error code URN.
» title string mandatory A short, human-readable summary of the problem that MUST NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem represented by the error code.
» detail string mandatory A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
» meta MetaError optional Additional data for customised error codes



The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details


Name Type Required Description
anonymous string mandatory The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details

Enumerated Values

Property Value
anonymous LEASES
anonymous MARGIN_LOANS
anonymous OVERDRAFTS
anonymous PERS_LOANS
anonymous TRAVEL_CARDS