Version of the API endpoint requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If the value of x-min-v is equal to or higher than the value of x-v then the x-min-v header should be treated as absent. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. See HTTP Headers.
Minimum version of the API endpoint requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer if provided. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable.
A data holder specific unique identifier for this product. This identifier must be unique to a product but does not otherwise need to adhere to ID permanence guidelines.
The date and time from which this product is effective (i.e. is available for origination). Used to enable the articulation of products to the regime before they are available for customers to originate.
Indicates whether the product is specifically tailored to a circumstance. In this case fees and prices are significantly negotiated depending on context. While all products are open to a degree of tailoring this flag indicates that tailoring is expected and thus that the provision of specific fees and rates is not applicable.
URI reference to a PNG, JPG or GIF image with proportions defined by ISO 7810 ID-1 and width no greater than 512 pixels. The URI reference may be a link or url-encoded data URI according to [RFC2397].
Description of fees, pricing, discounts, exemptions and bonuses for the product. Mandatory if additionalFeesAndPricingUris includes one or more supporting documents.
An array of additional general overviews for the product or features of the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the overviewUri. Only to be used if there is a primary overviewUri.
An array of additional terms and conditions for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the termsUri. Only to be used if there is a primary termsUri.
An array of additional eligibility rules and criteria for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the eligibilityUri. Only to be used if there is a primary eligibilityUri.
An array of additional fees, pricing, discounts, exemptions and bonuses for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the feesAndPricingUri. Only to be used if there is a primary feesAndPricingUri.
An array of additional bundles for the product, if applicable. To be treated as secondary documents to the bundleUri. Only to be used if there is a primary bundleUri.
An array of bundles that this product participates in. Each bundle is described by free form information but also by a list of product IDs of the other products that are included in the bundle. It is assumed that the current product is included in the bundle also.
Array of product IDs for products included in the bundle that are available via the product endpoints. Note that this array is not intended to represent a comprehensive model of the products included in the bundle and some products available for the bundle may not be available via the product reference endpoints.
Generic field containing additional information relevant to the featureType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of the featureType.
Display text providing more information on the feature. Mandatory if featureType is set to OTHER.
Generic field containing additional information relevant to the constraintType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of constraintType.
Display text providing more information on the constraint.
The type of eligibility criteria described. For further details, refer to Product Eligibility Types.
Generic field containing additional information relevant to the eligibilityType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of eligibilityType.
Display text providing more information on the eligibility criteria. Mandatory if the field is set to OTHER.
A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of the balance. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeTypeVARIABLE is supplied.
A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of a transaction. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeTypeVARIABLE is supplied.
A fee rate calculated based on a proportion of the calculated interest accrued on the account. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate is mandatory unless the feeTypeVARIABLE is supplied.
The indicative frequency with which the fee is calculated on the account. Only applies if balanceRate or accruedRate is also present. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax).
A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the balance. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee.
A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of a transaction. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory.
A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the calculated interest accrued on the account. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee.
A discount rate calculated based on a proportion of the fee to which this discount is attached. Note that the currency of the fee discount is expected to be the same as the currency of the fee itself. One of amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate and feeRate is mandatory. Unless noted in additionalInfo, assumes the application and calculation frequency are the same as the corresponding fee.
Generic field containing additional information relevant to the discountType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of discountType.
Display text providing more information on the discount.
The period after which the rate is applied to the balance to calculate the amount due for the period. Calculation of the amount is often daily (as balances may change) but accumulated until the total amount is 'applied' to the account (see applicationFrequency). Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax).
The period after which the calculated amount(s) (see calculationFrequency) are 'applied' (i.e. debited or credited) to the account. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax).
Generic field containing additional information relevant to the depositRateType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of depositRateType.
Display text providing more information on the rate.
The period after which the rate is applied to the balance to calculate the amount due for the period. Calculation of the amount is often daily (as balances may change) but accumulated until the total amount is 'applied' to the account (see applicationFrequency). Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax).
The period after which the calculated amount(s) (see calculationFrequency) are 'applied' (i.e. debited or credited) to the account. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax).
Generic field containing additional information relevant to the lendingRateType specified. Whether mandatory or not is dependent on the value of lendingRateType.
Display text providing more information on the rate.
The number of unitOfMeasure units that form the upper bound of the tier or band. For a tier with a discrete value (as opposed to a range of values e.g., 1 month) this must be the same as minimumValue. Where this is the same as the minimumValue value of the next-higher tier the referenced tier should be exclusive of this value. For example a term deposit of 2 months falls into the upper tier of the following tiers: (1 – 2 months, 2 – 3 months). If absent the tier's range has no upper bound.
The method used to calculate the amount to be applied using one or more tiers. A single rate may be applied to the entire balance or each applicable tier rate is applied to the portion of the balance that falls into that tier (referred to as 'bands' or 'steps').
The display name of the account as defined by the bank. This should not incorporate account numbers or PANs. If it does the values should be masked according to the rules of the MaskedAccountString common type.
Flag indicating that the customer associated with the authorisation is an owner of the account. Does not indicate sole ownership, however. If not present then true is assumed.
Value indicating the number of customers that have ownership of the account, according to the data holder's definition of account ownership. Does not indicate that all account owners are eligible consumers.
The unmasked BSB for the account. Is expected to be formatted as digits only with leading zeros included and no punctuation or spaces.
» accountNumber
The unmasked account number for the account. Should not be supplied if the account number is a PAN requiring PCI compliance. Is expected to be formatted as digits only with leading zeros included and no punctuation or spaces.
» bundleName
Optional field to indicate if this account is part of a bundle that is providing additional benefit to the customer.
true if the feature is already activated and false if the feature is available for activation. Defaults to true if absent. Note: this is an additional field appended to the feature object defined in the Product Reference payload.
Current instructions on action to be taken at maturity. This includes default actions that may be specified in the terms and conditions for the product e.g., roll-over to the same term and frequency of interest payments.
The accountId values of the configured offset accounts attached to this loan. Only offset accounts that can be accessed under the current authorisation should be included. It is expected behaviour that offsetAccountEnabled is set to true but the offsetAccountIds field is absent or empty. This represents a situation where an offset account exists but details can not be accessed under the current authorisation.
A unique ID of the transaction adhering to the standards for ID permanence. This is mandatory (through hashing if necessary) unless there are specific and justifiable technical reasons why a transaction cannot be uniquely identified for a particular account type. It is mandatory if isDetailAvailable is set to true.
Status of the transaction whether pending or posted. Note that there is currently no provision in the standards to guarantee the ability to correlate a pending transaction with an associated posted transaction.
The transaction description as applied by the financial institution.
The time the transaction was posted. This field is Mandatory if the transaction has status POSTED. This is the time that appears on a standard statement.
Date and time at which assets become available to the account owner in case of a credit entry, or cease to be available to the account owner in case of a debit transaction entry.
The currency for the transaction amount. AUD assumed if not present.
The reference for the transaction provided by the originating institution. Empty string if no data provided.
Name of the merchant for an outgoing payment to a merchant.
The merchant category code (or MCC) for an outgoing payment to a merchant.
BPAY Biller Code for the transaction (if available).
Name of the BPAY biller for the transaction (if available).
BPAY CRN for the transaction (if available). Where the CRN contains sensitive information, it should be masked in line with how the Data Holder currently displays account identifiers in their existing online banking channels. If the contents of the CRN match the format of a Credit Card PAN they should be masked according to the rules applicable for MaskedPANString. If the contents are otherwise sensitive, then it should be masked using the rules applicable for the MaskedAccountString common type.
6 Digit APCA number for the initiating institution. The field is fixed-width and padded with leading zeros if applicable.
The balance of the account at this time. Should align to the balance available via other channels such as Internet Banking. Assumed to be negative if the customer has money owing.
ID of the payee adhering to the rules of ID permanence.
The short display name of the payee as provided by the customer. Where a customer has not provided a nickname, a display name derived by the bank for the payee consistent with existing digital banking channels.
A description of the payee provided by the customer.
BPAY CRN of the Biller (if available). Where the CRN contains sensitive information, it should be masked in line with how the Data Holder currently displays account identifiers in their existing online banking channels. If the contents of the CRN match the format of a Credit Card PAN they should be masked according to the rules applicable for MaskedPANString. If the contents are otherwise sensitive, then it should be masked using the rules applicable for the MaskedAccountString common type.
A unique ID of the scheduled payment adhering to the standards for ID permanence.
The short display name of the scheduled payment as provided by the customer if provided. Where a customer has not provided a nickname, a display name derived by the bank for the scheduled payment should be provided that is consistent with existing digital banking channels.
The reference for the transaction that will be used by the originating institution for the purposes of constructing a statement narrative on the payer’s account. Empty string if no data provided.
The reference for the transaction, if applicable, that will be provided by the originating institution for all payments in the payment set. Empty string if no data provided.
Indicates whether the schedule is currently active. The value SKIP is equivalent to ACTIVE except that the customer has requested the next normal occurrence to be skipped.
Object containing details of the source of the payment. Currently only specifies an accountId but provided as an object to facilitate future extensibility and consistency with the to object.
[The set of payment amounts and destination accounts for this payment accommodating multi-part payments. A single entry indicates a simple payment with one destination account. Must have at least one entry.]
The set of payment amounts and destination accounts for this payment accommodating multi-part payments. A single entry indicates a simple payment with one destination account. Must have at least one entry.
Flag indicating whether the amount of the payment is calculated based on the context of the event. For instance a payment to reduce the balance of a credit card to zero. If absent then false is assumed.
Present if toUType is set to payeeId. Indicates that the payment is to registered payee that can be accessed using the payee endpoint. If the Bank Payees scope has not been consented to then a payeeId should not be provided and the full payee details should be provided instead.
The short display name of the payee as provided by the customer unless toUType is set to payeeId. Where a customer has not provided a nickname, a display name derived by the bank for payee should be provided that is consistent with existing digital banking channels.
The reference for the transaction, if applicable, that will be provided by the originating institution for the specific payment. If not empty, it overrides the value provided at the BankingScheduledPayment level.
Object containing details of the source of the payment. Currently only specifies an accountId but provided as an object to facilitate future extensibility and consistency with the to object.
Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to the last occurrence of a specific weekday in an interval. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to lastWeekDay.
Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to an external event that cannot be predetermined. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to eventBased.
Enumerated Values
Indicates that the payment is a once off payment on a specific future date. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to onceOff.
The limit date after which no more payments should be made using this schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value. If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely.
Indicates the number of payments remaining in the schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value, If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely.
An array of interval objects defining the payment schedule. Each entry in the array is additive, in that it adds payments to the overall payment schedule. If multiple intervals result in a payment on the same day then only one payment will be made. Must have at least one entry.
An interval for the payment. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax) with components less than a day in length ignored. This duration defines the period between payments starting with nextPaymentDate.
Uses an interval to define the ordinal day within the interval defined by the interval field on which the payment occurs. If the resulting duration is 0 days in length or larger than the number of days in the interval then the payment will occur on the last day of the interval. A duration of 1 day indicates the first day of the interval. If absent the assumed value is P1D. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax) with components less than a day in length ignored. The first day of a week is considered to be Monday.
Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to the last occurrence of a specific weekday in an interval. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to lastWeekDay.
The limit date after which no more payments should be made using this schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value. If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely.
Indicates the number of payments remaining in the schedule. If both finalPaymentDate and paymentsRemaining are present then payments will stop according to the most constraining value. If neither field is present the payments will continue indefinitely.
The interval for the payment. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations (excludes recurrence syntax) with components less than a day in length ignored. This duration defines the period between payments starting with nextPaymentDate.
Enumerated field giving the treatment where a scheduled payment date is not a business day. If absent assumed to be ON.
AFTER - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on the first business day after the scheduled payment date.
BEFORE - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on the first business day before the scheduled payment date.
ON - If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be made on that day regardless.
ONLY - Payments only occur on business days. If a scheduled payment date is a non-business day the payment will be ignored.
Enumerated Values
Indicates that the schedule of payments is defined according to an external event that cannot be predetermined. Mandatory if recurrenceUType is set to eventBased.
Description of the event and conditions that will result in the payment. Expected to be formatted for display to a customer.
Name of the individual or business formatted for inclusion in an address used for physical mail.
First line of the standard address object.
Second line of the standard address object.
Third line of the standard address object.
Mandatory for Australian addresses.
Name of the city or locality.
Free text if the country is not Australia. If country is Australia then must be one of the values defined by the State Type Abbreviation in the PAF file format. NSW, QLD, VIC, NT, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, AAT.
Postal delivery number if the address is a postal delivery type.
Postal delivery number prefix related to the postal delivery number.
Postal delivery number suffix related to the postal delivery number.
Full name of locality.
Postcode for the locality.
State in which the address belongs. Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file State Type Abbreviation. NSW, QLD, VIC, NT, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, AAT.
The CDR error code URN which the application-specific error code extends. Mandatory if the error code is an application-specific error rather than a standardised error code.
The code of the error encountered. Where the error is specific to the respondent, an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. If the error is application-specific, the URN code that the specific error extends must be provided in the meta object. Otherwise, the value is the error code URN.
» title
A short, human-readable summary of the problem that MUST NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem represented by the error code.
» detail
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The category to which a product or account belongs. See here for more details.
Enumerated Values
Product & Account Components
Product Feature Types
Description of the usage of the featureType field as it applies to products.
Use of additionalValue Field
Additional cards can be requested.
The maximum number of additional cards. If no maximum then should be set to null.
Balance transfers can be made to the account (e.g., for credit cards).
The product can be attached to an automatic budgeting and bill payment service.
Optional name of the service.
Bonus loyalty rewards points are available.
Number of points available.
A card is available for the product to access funds.
Text describing list of card types that this product can be linked to.
Subject to terms, conditions and eligibility criteria, the product has a cashback offer for opening an account or by spending at a certain retailer.
The amount of the cashback offer (in AUD).
Indicates that complementary, discounted offerings (such as gift cards, or discounted travel) is available.
Description of the complementary offering.
Access is available to online banking features for the product.
A Digital wallet can be attached to the product.
The name or brand of the wallet.
Indicates that interest generated from the product can be automatically donated to a charity or community group.
Indicates that the product has the option to accept extra repayments without incurring additional charges (for example Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) or line of credit products may offer the facility to repay instalments on an adhoc basis).
The product includes fraud protection features.
A set number of free transactions available per month.
The number of free transactions.
A set amount of transaction fee value that is discounted per month.
The amount of transaction fee discounted (in AUD).
Subject to terms and conditions, the customer may be able to nominate a guarantor during the origination process.
Insurance is provided as an additional feature of the product.
Text description of the type of insurance (e.g., Travel Insurance).
The product has the option to pay for eligible purchases over time with a set number of payments.
Discount for depositing a certain amount of money in a period. As the discount applies to a fee the period is the same as for the fee.
The minimum deposit amount in AmountString format.
Discount applies based on customer eligibility (eligibility array must be populated).
The amount, balanceRate, transactionRate, accruedRate or feeRate fields of the discount represent the maximum amount charged in a time period.
The time period for which the fee cap applies. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations.
Discount for outbound payments from the account under a certain amount of money in a period. As the discount applies to a fee the period is the same as for the fee.
The payment threshold amount in AmountString format.
Product Discount Eligibility Types
Description of the usage of the discountEligibilityType field as it applies to products.
Use of additionalValue Field
A business or other non-person legal entity.
An eligibility constraint based on employment status applies.
A description of the status required.
The discount is only available during an introductory period.
The period of time for the introductory discount. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations.
Only customers younger than a maximum age receive the discount.
The maximum age in years.
Only customers older than a minimum age receive the discount.
The minimum age in years.
The customer must have an income greater than a specified threshold to obtain the discount.
The customer must be a natural person rather than another legal entity.
Another eligibility criteria exists as described in the additionalInfo field (if this option is specified then the additionalInfo field is mandatory).
Only a recipient of a government pension may receive the discount.
Optional. Should contain a description of which pensions qualify.
An eligibility constraint based on residency status applies.
A description of the status required.
Only a staff member of the provider may receive the discount.
Only students may receive the discount.
Optional. Should contain a description of who qualifies as a student, e.g., do apprentices qualify?
Product Deposit Rate Types
Description of the usage of the depositRateType field as it applies to products.
Deposit Base Rate Types
A deposit product is expected to present a single Base rate corresponding to relevant selection criteria including the rate tiers and additionalValue, where applicable.
A floating rate is relatively fixed but still adjusts under specific circumstances.
Details of the float parameters.
A rate that is linked to a specific market, commodity or asset class.
Details of the market linkage.
A variable base rate for the product.
Deposit Adjustment Rate Types
A product may have zero, one, or multiple adjustment rates that are taken to apply to a Base rate.
Use of additionalValue Field
A bonus rate available by meeting a specific criteria. A deposit 'bonus' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base+Bonus).
A description of the criteria to obtain the bonus.
A bonus rate obtained by originating a bundle instead of a standalone product. A deposit 'bonus' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base+Bonus).
The name of the bundle.
An introductory bonus that will expire after a set period. A deposit 'bonus' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base+Bonus).
The period of time for the introductory rate. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations.
Product Lending Rate Types
Description of the usage of the lendingRateType field as it applies to products.
Lending Base Rate Types
A lending product is expected to present a single Base rate corresponding to relevant selection criteria including the rate tiers and additionalValue, where applicable.
Card products may have two or more base rates, including CASH_ADVANCE and PURCHASE as they may apply to different transaction types within an account. The PURCHASElendingRateType is considered the rate commonly applicable to a card.
Use of additionalValue Field
Specific rate applied to cash advances from the account. This is expected to apply to products in the CRED_AND_CHRG_CARDS category only.
A floating rate is relatively fixed but still adjusts under specific circumstances.
Details of the float parameters.
A rate that is linked to a specific market, commodity or asset class.
Details of the market linkage.
Specific rate applied to purchases from the account. This is expected to apply to products in the CRED_AND_CHRG_CARDS category only.
A variable base rate for the product.
Lending Adjustment Rate Types
A product may have zero, one, or multiple adjustment rates that are taken to apply to a Base rate.
Use of additionalValue Field
A discount rate off the fixed rate obtained by originating a bundle instead of a standalone product. A lending 'discount' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base-Discount).
The name of the bundle.
A discount rate off the variable rate obtained by originating a bundle instead of a standalone product. A lending 'discount' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base-Discount).
The name of the bundle.
A specific discount rate that may be applied. A discount rate reduces the interest payable. A lending 'discount' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base-Discount).
Description of the discount rate that is applicable.
An introductory discount that will expire after a set period. A lending 'discount' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base-Discount).
The period of time for the introductory rate. Formatted according to ISO 8601 Durations.
A specific penalty rate that may be applied. A penalty rate increases the interest payable. A lending 'penalty' rate value MUST be specified as zero or a positive number in the RateString format. The formula to calculate an Effective rate would be (Base+Penalty).
Description of the penalty rate that is applicable.
Banking Term Deposit Account Types
Description of the usage of the maturityInstructions field as it applies to accounts.
Use of additionalValue Field
Funds are held in a facility or similar mechanism managed by the data holder for a period of time until the customer provides instructions or the maximum period of the hold has elapsed. Funds may be renewed or withdrawn upon instructions by the customer.