NAV Navbar

Get Product Detail V2

This page documents the obsolete version 2 of the Get Product Detail end point.

Get Product Detail

Code samples

GET{productId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
x-v: string
x-min-v: string

var headers = {


  url: '{productId}',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

GET /banking/products/{productId}

Obtain detailed information on a single product offered openly to the market.

NOTE: This version must be implemented by July 2020

Obsolete versions: v1

Endpoint Version

Version 2


Name In Type Required Description
productId path ASCIIString mandatory ID of the specific product requested
x-v header string mandatory Version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If the value of x-min-v is equal to or higher than the value of x-v then the x-min-v header should be treated as absent. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder should respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. See HTTP Headers
x-min-v header string optional Minimum version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer if provided. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder should respond with a 406 Not Acceptable.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "productId": "string",
    "effectiveFrom": "string",
    "effectiveTo": "string",
    "lastUpdated": "string",
    "productCategory": "TRANS_AND_SAVINGS_ACCOUNTS",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "brand": "string",
    "brandName": "string",
    "applicationUri": "string",
    "isTailored": true,
    "additionalInformation": {
      "overviewUri": "string",
      "termsUri": "string",
      "eligibilityUri": "string",
      "feesAndPricingUri": "string",
      "bundleUri": "string"
    "cardArt": [
        "title": "string",
        "imageUri": "string"
    "bundles": [
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "productIds": [
    "features": [
        "featureType": "CARD_ACCESS",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "constraints": [
        "constraintType": "MIN_BALANCE",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "eligibility": [
        "eligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "fees": [
        "name": "string",
        "feeType": "PERIODIC",
        "amount": "string",
        "balanceRate": "string",
        "transactionRate": "string",
        "accruedRate": "string",
        "accrualFrequency": "string",
        "currency": "string",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "discounts": [
            "description": "string",
            "discountType": "BALANCE",
            "amount": "string",
            "balanceRate": "string",
            "transactionRate": "string",
            "accruedRate": "string",
            "feeRate": "string",
            "additionalValue": "string",
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string",
            "eligibility": [
                "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
                "additionalValue": "string",
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "depositRates": [
        "depositRateType": "FIXED",
        "rate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "subTier": {
              "name": "string",
              "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
              "minimumValue": 0,
              "maximumValue": 0,
              "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
              "applicabilityConditions": {
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "lendingRates": [
        "lendingRateType": "FIXED",
        "rate": "string",
        "comparisonRate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "interestPaymentDue": "IN_ARREARS",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "subTier": {
              "name": "string",
              "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
              "minimumValue": 0,
              "maximumValue": 0,
              "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
              "applicabilityConditions": {
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {}


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ResponseBankingProductById

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 x-v string The version of the API end point that the data holder has responded with.