NAV Navbar

Get Product Detail V2

This page documents the obsolete version 2 of the Get Product Detail end point.

This version is to be ceased to be called by data recipients by August 29th 2020 and can be decommissioned by data holders as of that date.

Get Product Detail

Code samples

GET{productId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
x-v: string
x-min-v: string

var headers = {


  url: '{productId}',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

GET /banking/products/{productId}

Obtain detailed information on a single product offered openly to the market.

NOTE: This version must be implemented by July 2020

Obsolete versions: v1

Endpoint Version

Version 2


Name In Type Required Description
productId path ASCIIString mandatory ID of the specific product requested
x-v header string mandatory Version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If the value of x-min-v is equal to or higher than the value of x-v then the x-min-v header should be treated as absent. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder should respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. See HTTP Headers
x-min-v header string optional Minimum version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer if provided. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder should respond with a 406 Not Acceptable.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "productId": "string",
    "effectiveFrom": "string",
    "effectiveTo": "string",
    "lastUpdated": "string",
    "productCategory": "TRANS_AND_SAVINGS_ACCOUNTS",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "brand": "string",
    "brandName": "string",
    "applicationUri": "string",
    "isTailored": true,
    "additionalInformation": {
      "overviewUri": "string",
      "termsUri": "string",
      "eligibilityUri": "string",
      "feesAndPricingUri": "string",
      "bundleUri": "string"
    "cardArt": [
        "title": "string",
        "imageUri": "string"
    "bundles": [
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "productIds": [
    "features": [
        "featureType": "CARD_ACCESS",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "constraints": [
        "constraintType": "MIN_BALANCE",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "eligibility": [
        "eligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "fees": [
        "name": "string",
        "feeType": "PERIODIC",
        "amount": "string",
        "balanceRate": "string",
        "transactionRate": "string",
        "accruedRate": "string",
        "accrualFrequency": "string",
        "currency": "string",
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string",
        "discounts": [
            "description": "string",
            "discountType": "BALANCE",
            "amount": "string",
            "balanceRate": "string",
            "transactionRate": "string",
            "accruedRate": "string",
            "feeRate": "string",
            "additionalValue": "string",
            "additionalInfo": "string",
            "additionalInfoUri": "string",
            "eligibility": [
                "discountEligibilityType": "BUSINESS",
                "additionalValue": "string",
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "depositRates": [
        "depositRateType": "FIXED",
        "rate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "subTier": {
              "name": "string",
              "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
              "minimumValue": 0,
              "maximumValue": 0,
              "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
              "applicabilityConditions": {
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
    "lendingRates": [
        "lendingRateType": "FIXED",
        "rate": "string",
        "comparisonRate": "string",
        "calculationFrequency": "string",
        "applicationFrequency": "string",
        "interestPaymentDue": "IN_ARREARS",
        "tiers": [
            "name": "string",
            "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
            "minimumValue": 0,
            "maximumValue": 0,
            "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
            "applicabilityConditions": {
              "additionalInfo": "string",
              "additionalInfoUri": "string"
            "subTier": {
              "name": "string",
              "unitOfMeasure": "DOLLAR",
              "minimumValue": 0,
              "maximumValue": 0,
              "rateApplicationMethod": "WHOLE_BALANCE",
              "applicabilityConditions": {
                "additionalInfo": "string",
                "additionalInfoUri": "string"
        "additionalValue": "string",
        "additionalInfo": "string",
        "additionalInfoUri": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {}


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ResponseBankingProductById

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 x-v string The version of the API end point that the data holder has responded with.