NAV Navbar

Get Customer Detail V1

This page documents the obsolete version 1 of the Get Customer Detail end point.

This version is to be ceased to be called by data recipients by February 28th 2023 and can be decommissioned by data holders as of that date.

Get Customer Detail

Code samples

Accept: application/json
x-v: string
x-min-v: string
x-fapi-interaction-id: string
x-fapi-auth-date: string
x-fapi-customer-ip-address: string
x-cds-client-headers: string

var headers = {


  url: '',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

GET /common/customer/detail

Obtain detailed information on the authorised customer within the current session.

Endpoint Version

Version 1


Name In Type Required Description
x-v header string mandatory Version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If the value of x-min-v is equal to or higher than the value of x-v then the x-min-v header should be treated as absent. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. See HTTP Headers
x-min-v header string optional Minimum version of the API end point requested by the client. Must be set to a positive integer if provided. The data holder should respond with the highest supported version between x-min-v and x-v. If all versions requested are not supported then the data holder must respond with a 406 Not Acceptable.
x-fapi-interaction-id header string optional An RFC4122 UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
x-fapi-auth-date header string optional The time when the customer last logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product. Required for all resource calls (customer present and unattended). Not to be included for unauthenticated calls.
x-fapi-customer-ip-address header string optional The customer's original IP address if the customer is currently logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product. The presence of this header indicates that the API is being called in a customer present context. Not to be included for unauthenticated calls.
x-cds-client-headers header Base64 optional The customer's original standard http headers Base64 encoded, including the original User Agent header, if the customer is currently logged in to the Data Recipient Software Product. Mandatory for customer present calls. Not required for unattended or unauthenticated calls.

Example responses

200 Response

  "data": {
    "customerUType": "organisation",
    "person": {
      "lastUpdateTime": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "middleNames": [
      "prefix": "string",
      "suffix": "string",
      "occupationCode": "string",
      "occupationCodeVersion": "ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.2",
      "phoneNumbers": [
          "isPreferred": true,
          "purpose": "HOME",
          "countryCode": "string",
          "areaCode": "string",
          "number": "string",
          "extension": "string",
          "fullNumber": "string"
      "emailAddresses": [
          "isPreferred": true,
          "purpose": "HOME",
          "address": "string"
      "physicalAddresses": [
          "addressUType": "paf",
          "simple": {
            "mailingName": "string",
            "addressLine1": "string",
            "addressLine2": "string",
            "addressLine3": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "city": "string",
            "state": "string",
            "country": "AUS"
          "paf": {
            "dpid": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
            "flatUnitType": "string",
            "flatUnitNumber": "string",
            "floorLevelType": "string",
            "floorLevelNumber": "string",
            "lotNumber": "string",
            "buildingName1": "string",
            "buildingName2": "string",
            "streetName": "string",
            "streetType": "string",
            "streetSuffix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryType": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
            "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
            "localityName": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "state": "string"
          "purpose": "MAIL"
    "organisation": {
      "lastUpdateTime": "string",
      "agentFirstName": "string",
      "agentLastName": "string",
      "agentRole": "string",
      "businessName": "string",
      "legalName": "string",
      "shortName": "string",
      "abn": "string",
      "acn": "string",
      "isACNCRegistered": true,
      "industryCode": "string",
      "industryCodeVersion": "ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V2.0",
      "organisationType": "COMPANY",
      "registeredCountry": "string",
      "establishmentDate": "string",
      "physicalAddresses": [
          "addressUType": "paf",
          "simple": {
            "mailingName": "string",
            "addressLine1": "string",
            "addressLine2": "string",
            "addressLine3": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "city": "string",
            "state": "string",
            "country": "AUS"
          "paf": {
            "dpid": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
            "flatUnitType": "string",
            "flatUnitNumber": "string",
            "floorLevelType": "string",
            "floorLevelNumber": "string",
            "lotNumber": "string",
            "buildingName1": "string",
            "buildingName2": "string",
            "streetName": "string",
            "streetType": "string",
            "streetSuffix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryType": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
            "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
            "localityName": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "state": "string"
          "purpose": "MAIL"
  "links": {
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {}


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ResponseCommonCustomerDetail
4xx Client Error The following error codes MUST be supported:

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 x-v string The version of the API end point that the data holder has responded with.
200 x-fapi-interaction-id string An RFC4122 UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.
4xx x-fapi-interaction-id string An RFC4122 UUID used as a correlation id. If provided, the data holder must play back this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. If not provided a [RFC4122] UUID value is required to be provided in the response header to track the interaction.


  "data": {
    "customerUType": "organisation",
    "person": {
      "lastUpdateTime": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "middleNames": [
      "prefix": "string",
      "suffix": "string",
      "occupationCode": "string",
      "occupationCodeVersion": "ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.2"
    "organisation": {
      "lastUpdateTime": "string",
      "agentFirstName": "string",
      "agentLastName": "string",
      "agentRole": "string",
      "businessName": "string",
      "legalName": "string",
      "shortName": "string",
      "abn": "string",
      "acn": "string",
      "isACNCRegistered": true,
      "industryCode": "string",
      "industryCodeVersion": "ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V2.0",
      "organisationType": "COMPANY",
      "registeredCountry": "string",
      "establishmentDate": "string"
  "links": {
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {}


Name Type Required Description
data object mandatory none
» customerUType string mandatory The type of customer object that is present
» person CommonPerson conditional Mandatory if customerUType is person
» organisation CommonOrganisation conditional Mandatory if customerUType is organisation
links Links mandatory none
meta Meta optional none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
customerUType organisation
customerUType person


  "data": {
    "customerUType": "organisation",
    "person": {
      "lastUpdateTime": "string",
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "middleNames": [
      "prefix": "string",
      "suffix": "string",
      "occupationCode": "string",
      "occupationCodeVersion": "ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.2",
      "phoneNumbers": [
          "isPreferred": true,
          "purpose": "HOME",
          "countryCode": "string",
          "areaCode": "string",
          "number": "string",
          "extension": "string",
          "fullNumber": "string"
      "emailAddresses": [
          "isPreferred": true,
          "purpose": "HOME",
          "address": "string"
      "physicalAddresses": [
          "addressUType": "paf",
          "simple": {
            "mailingName": "string",
            "addressLine1": "string",
            "addressLine2": "string",
            "addressLine3": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "city": "string",
            "state": "string",
            "country": "AUS"
          "paf": {
            "dpid": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
            "flatUnitType": "string",
            "flatUnitNumber": "string",
            "floorLevelType": "string",
            "floorLevelNumber": "string",
            "lotNumber": "string",
            "buildingName1": "string",
            "buildingName2": "string",
            "streetName": "string",
            "streetType": "string",
            "streetSuffix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryType": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
            "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
            "localityName": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "state": "string"
          "purpose": "MAIL"
    "organisation": {
      "lastUpdateTime": "string",
      "agentFirstName": "string",
      "agentLastName": "string",
      "agentRole": "string",
      "businessName": "string",
      "legalName": "string",
      "shortName": "string",
      "abn": "string",
      "acn": "string",
      "isACNCRegistered": true,
      "industryCode": "string",
      "industryCodeVersion": "ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V2.0",
      "organisationType": "COMPANY",
      "registeredCountry": "string",
      "establishmentDate": "string",
      "physicalAddresses": [
          "addressUType": "paf",
          "simple": {
            "mailingName": "string",
            "addressLine1": "string",
            "addressLine2": "string",
            "addressLine3": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "city": "string",
            "state": "string",
            "country": "AUS"
          "paf": {
            "dpid": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
            "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
            "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
            "flatUnitType": "string",
            "flatUnitNumber": "string",
            "floorLevelType": "string",
            "floorLevelNumber": "string",
            "lotNumber": "string",
            "buildingName1": "string",
            "buildingName2": "string",
            "streetName": "string",
            "streetType": "string",
            "streetSuffix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryType": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
            "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
            "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
            "localityName": "string",
            "postcode": "string",
            "state": "string"
          "purpose": "MAIL"
  "links": {
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {}


Name Type Required Description
data object mandatory none
» customerUType string mandatory The type of customer object that is present
» person CommonPersonDetail conditional Mandatory if customerUType is person
» organisation CommonOrganisationDetail conditional Mandatory if customerUType is organisation
links Links mandatory none
meta Meta optional none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
customerUType organisation
customerUType person


  "lastUpdateTime": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "middleNames": [
  "prefix": "string",
  "suffix": "string",
  "occupationCode": "string",
  "occupationCodeVersion": "ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.2"


Name Type Required Description
lastUpdateTime DateTimeString optional The date and time that this record was last updated by the customer. If no update has occurred then this date should reflect the initial creation date for the data
firstName string optional For people with single names this field need not be present. The single name should be in the lastName field. Where a data holder cannot determine first and middle names from a collection of given names, a single string representing all given names MAY be provided.
lastName string mandatory For people with single names the single name should be in this field
middleNames [string] mandatory Field is mandatory but array may be empty
prefix string optional Also known as title or salutation. The prefix to the name (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Sir, etc)
suffix string optional Used for a trailing suffix to the name (e.g. Jr)
occupationCode ExternalRef optional Value is a valid ANZSCO Standard Occupation classification code. If the occupation code held by the data holder is not one of the supported ANZSCO versions, then it must not be supplied.
occupationCodeVersion string conditional The applicable ANZSCO release version of the occupation code provided. Mandatory if an occupationCode is supplied. If occupationCode is supplied but occupationCodeVersion is absent, default is ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.2

Enumerated Values

Property Value
occupationCodeVersion ANZSCO_1220.0_2006_V1.0
occupationCodeVersion ANZSCO_1220.0_2006_V1.1
occupationCodeVersion ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.2
occupationCodeVersion ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.3


  "lastUpdateTime": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "middleNames": [
  "prefix": "string",
  "suffix": "string",
  "occupationCode": "string",
  "occupationCodeVersion": "ANZSCO_1220.0_2013_V1.2",
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "isPreferred": true,
      "purpose": "HOME",
      "countryCode": "string",
      "areaCode": "string",
      "number": "string",
      "extension": "string",
      "fullNumber": "string"
  "emailAddresses": [
      "isPreferred": true,
      "purpose": "HOME",
      "address": "string"
  "physicalAddresses": [
      "addressUType": "paf",
      "simple": {
        "mailingName": "string",
        "addressLine1": "string",
        "addressLine2": "string",
        "addressLine3": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "country": "AUS"
      "paf": {
        "dpid": "string",
        "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
        "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
        "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
        "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
        "flatUnitType": "string",
        "flatUnitNumber": "string",
        "floorLevelType": "string",
        "floorLevelNumber": "string",
        "lotNumber": "string",
        "buildingName1": "string",
        "buildingName2": "string",
        "streetName": "string",
        "streetType": "string",
        "streetSuffix": "string",
        "postalDeliveryType": "string",
        "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
        "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
        "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
        "localityName": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "state": "string"
      "purpose": "MAIL"



Name Type Required Description
anonymous CommonPerson mandatory none


Name Type Required Description
anonymous object mandatory none
» phoneNumbers [CommonPhoneNumber] mandatory Array is mandatory but may be empty if no phone numbers are held
» emailAddresses [CommonEmailAddress] mandatory May be empty
» physicalAddresses [CommonPhysicalAddressWithPurpose] mandatory Must contain at least one address. One and only one address may have the purpose of REGISTERED. Zero or one, and no more than one, record may have the purpose of MAIL. If zero then the REGISTERED address is to be used for mail


  "lastUpdateTime": "string",
  "agentFirstName": "string",
  "agentLastName": "string",
  "agentRole": "string",
  "businessName": "string",
  "legalName": "string",
  "shortName": "string",
  "abn": "string",
  "acn": "string",
  "isACNCRegistered": true,
  "industryCode": "string",
  "industryCodeVersion": "ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V2.0",
  "organisationType": "COMPANY",
  "registeredCountry": "string",
  "establishmentDate": "string"


Name Type Required Description
lastUpdateTime DateTimeString optional The date and time that this record was last updated by the customer. If no update has occurred then this date should reflect the initial creation date for the data
agentFirstName string optional The first name of the individual providing access on behalf of the organisation. For people with single names this field need not be present. The single name should be in the lastName field
agentLastName string mandatory The last name of the individual providing access on behalf of the organisation. For people with single names the single name should be in this field
agentRole string mandatory The role of the individual identified as the agent who is providing authorisation. Expected to be used for display. Default to Unspecified if the role is not known
businessName string mandatory Name of the organisation
legalName string optional Legal name, if different to the business name
shortName string optional Short name used for communication, if different to the business name
abn string optional Australian Business Number for the organisation
acn string optional Australian Company Number for the organisation. Required only if an ACN is applicable for the organisation type
isACNCRegistered Boolean optional True if registered with the ACNC. False if not. Absent or null if not confirmed.
industryCode ExternalRef optional A valid ANZSIC code for the organisation. If the industry code held by the data holder is not one of the supported ANZSIC versions, then it must not be supplied.
industryCodeVersion string conditional The applicable ANZSIC release version of the industry code provided. Should only be supplied if industryCode is also supplied. If industryCode is supplied but industryCodeVersion is absent, default is ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V2.0
organisationType string mandatory Legal organisation type
registeredCountry ExternalRef optional Enumeration with values from ISO 3166 Alpha-3 country codes. Assumed to be AUS if absent
establishmentDate DateString optional The date the organisation described was established

Enumerated Values

Property Value
industryCodeVersion ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V1.0
industryCodeVersion ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V2.0
organisationType COMPANY
organisationType GOVERNMENT_ENTITY
organisationType OTHER
organisationType PARTNERSHIP
organisationType SOLE_TRADER
organisationType TRUST


  "lastUpdateTime": "string",
  "agentFirstName": "string",
  "agentLastName": "string",
  "agentRole": "string",
  "businessName": "string",
  "legalName": "string",
  "shortName": "string",
  "abn": "string",
  "acn": "string",
  "isACNCRegistered": true,
  "industryCode": "string",
  "industryCodeVersion": "ANZSIC_1292.0_2006_V2.0",
  "organisationType": "COMPANY",
  "registeredCountry": "string",
  "establishmentDate": "string",
  "physicalAddresses": [
      "addressUType": "paf",
      "simple": {
        "mailingName": "string",
        "addressLine1": "string",
        "addressLine2": "string",
        "addressLine3": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "country": "AUS"
      "paf": {
        "dpid": "string",
        "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
        "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
        "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
        "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
        "flatUnitType": "string",
        "flatUnitNumber": "string",
        "floorLevelType": "string",
        "floorLevelNumber": "string",
        "lotNumber": "string",
        "buildingName1": "string",
        "buildingName2": "string",
        "streetName": "string",
        "streetType": "string",
        "streetSuffix": "string",
        "postalDeliveryType": "string",
        "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
        "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
        "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
        "localityName": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "state": "string"
      "purpose": "MAIL"



Name Type Required Description
anonymous CommonOrganisation mandatory none


Name Type Required Description
anonymous object mandatory none
» physicalAddresses [CommonPhysicalAddressWithPurpose] mandatory Must contain at least one address. One and only one address may have the purpose of REGISTERED. Zero or one, and no more than one, record may have the purpose of MAIL. If zero then the REGISTERED address is to be used for mail


  "isPreferred": true,
  "purpose": "HOME",
  "countryCode": "string",
  "areaCode": "string",
  "number": "string",
  "extension": "string",
  "fullNumber": "string"


Name Type Required Description
isPreferred Boolean optional May be true for one and only one entry to indicate the preferred phone number. Assumed to be 'false' if not present
purpose string mandatory The purpose of the number as specified by the customer
countryCode string optional If absent, assumed to be Australia (+61). The + should be included
areaCode string conditional Required for non Mobile Phones, if field is present and refers to Australian code - the leading 0 should be omitted.
number string mandatory The actual phone number, with leading zeros as appropriate
extension string optional An extension number (if applicable)
fullNumber ExternalRef mandatory Fully formatted phone number with country code, area code, number and extension incorporated. Formatted according to section 5.1.4. of RFC 3966

Enumerated Values

Property Value
purpose HOME
purpose MOBILE
purpose OTHER
purpose WORK


  "isPreferred": true,
  "purpose": "HOME",
  "address": "string"


Name Type Required Description
isPreferred Boolean optional May be true for one and only one email record in the collection. Denotes the default email address
purpose string mandatory The purpose for the email, as specified by the customer (Enumeration)
address ExternalRef mandatory A correctly formatted email address, as defined by the addr_spec format in RFC 5322

Enumerated Values

Property Value
purpose HOME
purpose OTHER
purpose WORK


  "addressUType": "paf",
  "simple": {
    "mailingName": "string",
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string",
    "addressLine3": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "country": "AUS"
  "paf": {
    "dpid": "string",
    "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
    "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
    "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
    "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
    "flatUnitType": "string",
    "flatUnitNumber": "string",
    "floorLevelType": "string",
    "floorLevelNumber": "string",
    "lotNumber": "string",
    "buildingName1": "string",
    "buildingName2": "string",
    "streetName": "string",
    "streetType": "string",
    "streetSuffix": "string",
    "postalDeliveryType": "string",
    "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
    "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
    "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
    "localityName": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "state": "string"
  "purpose": "MAIL"



Name Type Required Description
anonymous CommonPhysicalAddress mandatory none


Name Type Required Description
anonymous object mandatory none
» purpose string mandatory Enumeration of values indicating the purpose of the physical address

Enumerated Values

Property Value
purpose MAIL
purpose OTHER
purpose PHYSICAL
purpose WORK


  "addressUType": "paf",
  "simple": {
    "mailingName": "string",
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string",
    "addressLine3": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "country": "AUS"
  "paf": {
    "dpid": "string",
    "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
    "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
    "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
    "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
    "flatUnitType": "string",
    "flatUnitNumber": "string",
    "floorLevelType": "string",
    "floorLevelNumber": "string",
    "lotNumber": "string",
    "buildingName1": "string",
    "buildingName2": "string",
    "streetName": "string",
    "streetType": "string",
    "streetSuffix": "string",
    "postalDeliveryType": "string",
    "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
    "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
    "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
    "localityName": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "state": "string"


Name Type Required Description
addressUType string mandatory The type of address object present
simple CommonSimpleAddress conditional none
paf CommonPAFAddress conditional Australian address formatted according to the file format defined by the PAF file format

Enumerated Values

Property Value
addressUType paf
addressUType simple


  "mailingName": "string",
  "addressLine1": "string",
  "addressLine2": "string",
  "addressLine3": "string",
  "postcode": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "country": "AUS"


Name Type Required Description
mailingName string optional Name of the individual or business formatted for inclusion in an address used for physical mail
addressLine1 string mandatory First line of the standard address object
addressLine2 string optional Second line of the standard address object
addressLine3 string optional Third line of the standard address object
postcode string conditional Mandatory for Australian addresses
city string mandatory Name of the city or locality
state string mandatory Free text if the country is not Australia. If country is Australia then must be one of the values defined by the State Type Abbreviation in the PAF file format. NSW, QLD, VIC, NT, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, AAT
country ExternalRef optional A valid ISO 3166 Alpha-3 country code. Australia (AUS) is assumed if country is not present.


  "dpid": "string",
  "thoroughfareNumber1": 0,
  "thoroughfareNumber1Suffix": "string",
  "thoroughfareNumber2": 0,
  "thoroughfareNumber2Suffix": "string",
  "flatUnitType": "string",
  "flatUnitNumber": "string",
  "floorLevelType": "string",
  "floorLevelNumber": "string",
  "lotNumber": "string",
  "buildingName1": "string",
  "buildingName2": "string",
  "streetName": "string",
  "streetType": "string",
  "streetSuffix": "string",
  "postalDeliveryType": "string",
  "postalDeliveryNumber": 0,
  "postalDeliveryNumberPrefix": "string",
  "postalDeliveryNumberSuffix": "string",
  "localityName": "string",
  "postcode": "string",
  "state": "string"

Australian address formatted according to the file format defined by the PAF file format


Name Type Required Description
dpid string optional Unique identifier for an address as defined by Australia Post. Also known as Delivery Point Identifier
thoroughfareNumber1 PositiveInteger optional Thoroughfare number for a property (first number in a property ranged address)
thoroughfareNumber1Suffix string optional Suffix for the thoroughfare number. Only relevant is thoroughfareNumber1 is populated
thoroughfareNumber2 PositiveInteger optional Second thoroughfare number (only used if the property has a ranged address eg 23-25)
thoroughfareNumber2Suffix string optional Suffix for the second thoroughfare number. Only relevant is thoroughfareNumber2 is populated
flatUnitType string optional Type of flat or unit for the address
flatUnitNumber string optional Unit number (including suffix, if applicable)
floorLevelType string optional Type of floor or level for the address
floorLevelNumber string optional Floor or level number (including alpha characters)
lotNumber string optional Allotment number for the address
buildingName1 string optional Building/Property name 1
buildingName2 string optional Building/Property name 2
streetName string optional The name of the street
streetType string optional The street type. Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file
streetSuffix string optional The street type suffix. Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file
postalDeliveryType string optional Postal delivery type. (eg. PO BOX). Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file
postalDeliveryNumber PositiveInteger optional Postal delivery number if the address is a postal delivery type
postalDeliveryNumberPrefix string optional Postal delivery number prefix related to the postal delivery number
postalDeliveryNumberSuffix string optional Postal delivery number suffix related to the postal delivery number
localityName string mandatory Full name of locality
postcode string mandatory Postcode for the locality
state string mandatory State in which the address belongs. Valid enumeration defined by Australia Post PAF code file State Type Abbreviation. NSW, QLD, VIC, NT, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, AAT