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Consumer Data Right Register Design - v1.1.2 Release Notes

V1.1.2 Release Notes

Release notes for version 1.1.2 of the CDR Register Design.

Participant Statuses

Section Change Description
Data Holder Responsibilities Updated Data Holder responsibilities - Added guidelines for timing for Data Holder Responsibilities which are bulk operations
- Renamed Consents Expire to Invalidate Consents to remove confusion as to whether this is a timing requirement
Incident Management Updated Incident Management - Removed summary and reference to draft rules, replacing with reference to section 4.7 in the rules

Security Profile

Section Change Description
Certificate Management Updated Certificates Issued to ADRs - Server Certificate now secures revocation and JWKS endpoints.
These endpoints can be secured by either public or ACCC issued certificate


Section Change Description
Backoff Patterns Added exponential backoff and retry patterns - Provided guidelines on how to poll an unavailable endpoint