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Consumer Data Right Register Design - v1.1.1 Release Notes

V1.1.1 Release Notes

Release notes for version 1.1.1 of the CDR Register Design.

Consumer Data Right Register

Section Change Description
Ecosystem Entities Updated ADR Ecosystem Entity Updated Accredited Data Recipient InfoSec APIs definition to specify the JWKS and revocation endpoints

Client Registration

Section Change Description
Registration Request using JWT Updated Claims - Updated aud claim description to contain the DH issuer value
- Updated the iat claim example from a string to an integer
- Updated redirect_uris claim description to remove contradiction of how the claim is used
Registration Flows Updated Create & Modify Registration sequence diagrams - Key lookup from JWKS no longer specifies using the kid parameter

Participant Statuses

Section Change Description
Metadata Cache Management Updated Cache update periods - To provide clarity, cache update periods have now been defined per API
Data Holder Responsibilities Removed Revoked / Inactive state - Revoked / Inactive was identified as an invalid state and has been removed.
- Status Mapping cascade rules have been redefined so Revoked ADRs result in Removed Software Products

Security Profile

Section Change Description
Register Endpoints Updated OIDC Discovery Endpoint Example - mutual_tls_sender_constrained_access_tokens is an outdated key for the OIDC Discovery Endpoint. As per RFC8705, this has been updated to tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens
Participant Endpoints Updated InfoSecBaseUri - Updated definition of the InfoSecBaseUri to provide reference to the OIDC Discovery Configuration Endpoint.
- Updated OIDC Discovery Endpoint example
- Removed ADR flag that this is provided by the DH only
- Updated OIDC Discovery Configuration Endpoint example
Certificate Management Updated Certificates Issued to ADRs - Server Certificate now secures revocation endpoint. This endpoint can be secured by either public or ACCC issued certificate

Register APIs

Section Change Description
General Updated Swagger - Added required scope for authenticated API calls
GetDataHolderBrands Updated Swagger - Added logoUri to the Brand and Legal Entity schemas
- Corrected dataRecipientBrands description
- Added 401 error response as per RFC6750
- Added 406 error response for invalid header
- Renamed HYBRIDFLOW-JWKS to SIGNED-JWT to remove confusion on the usage of DH authentication
GetSoftwareStatementAssertion Updated Swagger - Added 401 error response as per RFC6750
- Removed 404 error response as this is inconsistent with CDS
- Added 406 error response for invalid header
GetSoftwareProductStatus Updated Swagger - Added 406 error response for invalid header
GetDataRecipientsStatus Updated Swagger - Added 406 error response for invalid header
GetDataRecipients Updated Swagger - Added 406 error response for invalid header
- Updated LegalEntityDetail making registeredCountry optional


Section Change Description
General Updated Swagger - Added required scope for authenticated API calls
Client Registration Updated Swagger - Updated iss, iat and aud claim descriptions to be consistent with documentation
Delete Client Registration Updated Swagger - Updated 405 error response description to clarify that the method is unsupported